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Stability In Unstable Times

  Psalm 16:8 Those who trust in the Lord will not be shaken. There is a shaking taking place in the world, it is the season we are in, in the world. It is a shaking that's affecting every area of life, causing uncertain times. We see it happening from the entertainment industries, to the economy of nations, the religious/spiritual sector, businesses, families, and individuals. Times are unstable for many globally. The earth is being shaken. Haggai 2:6 It's started years back, the season of Covid-19 was just an aspect of it. Satan can only play into God's agenda. Such times should not scare, defeat, or overcome a believer in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:38,39 The Bible had predicted the times we are in. If you trust in God you do not have to be shaken. Psalm 62:6 In the midst of it all the Christian can not only survive but flourish. We should survive and flourish in these times which means we can enjoy stability in unstable times. Isaiah 54:10 The kingdom of God within us is a gr

Ring Of Fire

  Zechariah 2:5 Our text passage shows God puts a wall of fire or ring of fire around His people. God is the ultimate protector. God promises to be a wall of fire around His people. If God is around you and yours, it means He has circled you and yours for protection and to defend. Since it is a circular presence of God, it means every aspect of your life will be protected and defended. God's circular presence with us also represents the covenant He has with us. God's ring of fire is meant to be around His people, His chosen ones. The circle is the symbol of the covenant. This is why ribs are semi circles like, on the left and one the right of the human body. When a right rib and a left rib are joined or placed together, they form a circle or a ring. The woman was created from the rib of a man to symbolize the covenant of marriage with the man. Genesis 2:22 The woman is the creation the man was chosen to get into a covenant of marriage with. This is why marital rings are circula

Speak To It

  Genesis 1 Our text passage shows us God is creative and creation came about through His faith and His faith was released through His words. Creation is designed to hear the voice of humanity. Creation is put together to obey the sound, voice, and instructions of the sons of God. Romans 8:19-22 The whole of God's creation will respond to the faith on the inside of you, the faith that God has given you. It is our responsibility to nurture and cultivate the faith of God within us. We see what the faith of God is from the scriptures, we receive insights into how it works, and we get to know how faith is released. The God kind of faith is speaking faith. You have to release your faith through what you say, through your mouth, through your words. Your words reveal your faith. We see water responding to faith in the Bible, the wind and they sea obeyed Jesus! He spoke to the elements. We can do the same. We see seas and rivers responding to faith. We see oil responding to faith in the Bi

The Man, The Serpent, The Pole & The Cross

  Numbers 21:5-10 If you look to Jesus Christ you will live. If you look to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross you will make it. Moses made a bronze serpent. Serpents represent wisdom. The Bible informs us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16 The bronze serpent Moses made was symbolic of Jesus being sacrificed on the cross. Moses made the bronze serpent and put it on a pole, he did so according to God's instruction. The serpent was made from bronze because bronze is symbolic of that which is hard and difficult, it refers to the hardship Jesus would face for our sake and the excruciating pain He would endure for our sakes. As the children of Israel received healing in the wilderness from fiery snake bites when they looked to the bronze serpent on the pole that Moses made, we also receive healing by looking to what Jesus did for us on the cross. Hebrews 12:2 The bronze serpent on a pole was God's medicinal remedy for the condition the children of Israel we

Moving Forward Against All Odds

 2 kings 2:8-24 The forty two youths mocking Prophet Elisha in our text passage represent forty two different ways, problems, or odds the enemy can use to try and stop us. It is God's will that you go forward in life (make progress) despite the odds stacked against you. Each challenge, problem, setback, or odd from the enemy to stop you from moving forward is due for a curse. Just like Daniel of old who purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the delicacies from King Nebuchadenezzer's table, purpose in your heart that nothing will stop you from moving forward in God and with God. Daniel 1:8 There are things, issues, circumstances, and people the enemy will raise up to try and stop you. Make up your mind that you will not be stopped, make up your mind that you will not give up. Make up your mind to go all the way with God. Elisha the prophet had just received a double portion of the spirit of his mentor and spiritual father- the prophet Elijah. His miracle an

Mercy Found Me

 John 5:1-9 The man by the pool of Bethesda was found by God's mercy. Jesus Christ is the mercy of our heavenly Father personified. He was full of grace and truth. John 1:14 Grace + Truth = Mercy Grace is the God factor in a human life. Truth is the person of God and the revelation of God. John 14:6 When a person benefits from God's grace and experiences God's truth, it can be said that Mercy found that person. If you are saved, if you have Jesus, mercy has found you. Everyone who received miracles from Jesus was a beneficiary of God's mercy. Mercy causes miracles. Mercy makes miracles happen. Miracles brings a new joy. Acts 8:7,8 A new joy causes a new song. Psalm 33:3 The mercy of God preserves lives and destinies. The mercy of God can also bring people into their destinies. David would have remained a shepherd boy in his fathers' service , perhaps all his life if not for God's mercy. David was a great beneficiary of God's mercy. Isaiah 55:3 God's merc

Flourishing Through Divine Rest

  Hebrews 4:10,11 Divine rest is evidence of faith and belief at work in a persons life. Living in a state of divine rest means worry, anxiety, hastiness, impatience and fear do not control you. God gives rest. Divine rest is God's will and you need the rest that God gives. Nature is evidence living things need rest and refreshing, it is the way life is designed. Your human nature shows you need rest. Mark 6:31 God also showed us a pattern of rest after He was done with creation by resting on the seventh day. Genesis 2:2 God's seventh day rest is a pattern for us and the plan of God, it's where the Sabbath day idea came from. Our bodies are designed to rest after each day's physical and mental activity.  This is physical rest. Failure to give our minds and bodies the rest it needs can lead to illness or a breakdown. Just as we need rest physically and it also refreshes us mentally, we need spiritual/divine rest too. Divine rest is the rest God gives. Divine rest is a st

Flourishing By The Seed

 Mark 4:26-33 Plants are products of seeds. Plants are the best example we can use to describe what it means to flourish. Seeds defy odds, they grow, evolve, and flourish into useful plants that benefit humanity. The uniqueness of seeds is that they do not look the same when they germinate or become fully grown. They "die" and germinate and grow into what is the opposite of the seed that was put into the soil. Seeds have tremendous potential. Seeds bring about continuity and sustainability. We are likened to spiritual plants in scripture. Our lives are very much like seeds in this imperfect world, we are conceived in the womb through fertilization from the seed of our fathers, we defy odds to be born, we grow and evolve in every area of life to become adults who are useful to our families, our community and the world. As seeds flourish to become beneficial to the world, God wants us to flourish too and be beneficial to Him and humanity. This is how God is glorified in our liv

Flourishing By Divine Ideas

 Proverbs 8:12 Witty inventions are great ideas. Great ideas are aspects of wisdom, the wisdom of God. Prudence, discretion, and witty inventions (clever devices, innovations, plans, ideas) come from the wisdom of God. Everything human beings have achieved were once ideas. Ideas are applicable to every area of life. Good ideas improve our lives and our world. God given ideas make us succeed, they make us flourish, they make us do well. Ideas can help us achieve our goals and dreams. God given ideas can bring us out of tough situations. Not every idea is God inspired, there are bad ideas, wicked schemes, evil devices, and dark plans. Divine ideas are good ideas. Divine ideas not only prosper the individuals blessed to receive the ideas, they benefit other people too. They are ideas given or inspired by God. God wants to give you divine ideas. Ideas are one of the ways God helps and blesses people. Businesses, churches, families, communities, and nations can flourish through ideas, divin

Flourishing In Divine Love

  1 Corinthians 13 Our text passage is a very popular chapter on love in the scriptures. It is the love chapter, in this chapter we see what divine love is, how important it is, and how it is the very essence of our Christian walk. Love according to 1 Corinthians 13 is depicted as such a tall order to attain for any human. It is a kind of love that is forgiving, sacrificial, caring, and considers the greater good. This is the kind of love God wants fully formed in His people, His churches, and in families. Ephesians 5:2 Human beings are naturally selfish and self seeking, it is the way of the fallen nature in humanity. This fallen nature makes it hard and impossible to walk and operate in the love God would have us live by. The love God wants us growing and flourishing in is divine love. Fortunately the Spirit of God is made available through Jesus Christ to help us walk in this type of love. It is this love that took Jesus to the cross, kept Him on the cross,  it made Him die and rise

The Planting Of The Lord

  Isaiah 61:3 Our text informs about being the planting of the Lord. In the scriptures we see plants used in parables, used to describe, pass messages across, and Jesus and His people referred to as plants. We are spiritual plants. God's own planting! Plants are useful to humanity and they benefit the environment. They beautify the environment, they help the ecological balance, and they are a part of the cycle of life. How well a plant develops has to do with the diligence and care of the husbandman/vinedresser towards the plant. God's people are referred to as His plants. Isaiah 60:21 God is our husbandman/vinedresser/gardener, Jesus is the vine, we are the branches. John 15:1-6 God cultivates our life like a farmer cultivates His farm land, and He nurtures us like  a gardener his plants and a farmer his crops. The result is that we flourish. Psalm 92:12-14 The outcome of God's nurture is that we become fruitful. Jeremiah 17:7,8 Plants are useful to us in  three major ways

Flourishing By Divine Decrees

 Job 22:28 There is great power in decrees. There is creative power in decrees. Decrees release our faith and intentions. A decree can manifest the motivation for which you decree. By decrees I'm referring to verbal declarations made in faith. Decrees can be good or evil, depending on the heart and intention of the person making the decree. It is through our mouth we release what is in our heart. There are good decrees and there are evil decrees. There are written decrees and there are spoken decrees. Written and spoken decrees are backed up by some form of authority. The authority that backs up a decree can be spiritual or political. A decree can also be backed up both spiritually and politically. Spiritually, there a kingdom decrees and diabolical decrees. Politically, there are decrees made by leaders, kings, Presidents, and authorities. We have spiritual and physical dignitaries. Spiritual and physical dignitaries have a right to decree things. Jesus Christ is a spiritual and p

Flourishing By The Covenant

  Ezekiel 17:24 Our text shows it's God who makes people flourish. How well a plant is looked after by the husbandman will determine how well that plant will flourish. Jesus said the heavenly Father is the husbandman, He (Jesus) is the vine, and we (followers of Christ) are the branches. We are meant to flourish and bear fruit to the glory of God. Followers of Jesus Christ are part of Him, we form His body. 1 Corinthians 12:27 As each part of the human body is important and connected, so is each member and assembly of the body of Christ. We are connected by covenant, a covenant with God.  A better covenant. Hebrews 8:6 Our covenant with God is our right to anything we can have in and through God. By virtue of our connection to God we are connected to His life. His life makes us flourish, His life gives us His presence which flows through us. A major new testament  covenant we have is the covenant of God's presence. God's presence is with each believer, His presence is also

Flourishing In Uncertain Times

 Psalm 1:1-3 Our text passage shows it is the right of the righteous to flourish. The righteous can flourish even in uncertain times. Uncertain times are difficult times. Uncertain times are hard times. Uncertain times are dark times. The end times are uncertain times. As tough as the end times are we can flourish in the midst of it. We can become like the proverbial tree by the waterside that flourishes in it's season. God wants us to release our faith for us to flourish. A lot can happen through faith. Matthew 21:22 God wants us to obey Him so that the blessing can function to make us flourish. Deuteronomy 28:1,2 God wants us to tarry in His presence so as to flourish. Psalm 92:12-14 In the presence of God, that which is dead comes to life for God is a God of the living not the dead. Matthew 12:27 To flourish is to thrive. To flourish is to bloom and blossom. To flourish is to prosper. To flourish is to manifest. Growth and development are aspects of flourishing. Only the living

Navigating A New Year

 Isaiah  42:16 Our text passage above shows us God is the one who shows us the path to take and leads us in new directions. Your path matters to God. The way you you choose to take is important to God. Your steps are seen by God and ordered by God. Psalm 37:23 The year ahead of you matters to God too. Luke 13:8-9 Each year God has given you the grace to witness, experience, and journey through is another opportunity to be fruitful for God. God wants you to make the most of the year ahead of you to His glory. Human beings do not always know the way and path to go, we can be limited in wisdom. History shows we do not always make the best choices. The year ahead of us will require knowing the way to go, having the wisdom to make the best decisions and choices. Deuteronomy 30:19 To successfully navigate the year we need to stay in God.. To navigate is to find your way through, it is following the right path to a specific destination. Car drivers either buy a GPS/Navigation device system or