2 Samuel 21:17
Our text passage shows us a time David the King almost fell in battle.
He was almost killed by a Philistine giant, he was blessed enough to live to tell the story.
King David fought a lot of battles in his life time.
The similarity between King David's era and the end times is that there are lots of battles and warfare.
There is no disputing the fact that we are in the end times, the signs are all around us.
One of the signs of the end times according to Jesus is that nations will rise against nations and there will be wars and rumors of wars.
Matthew 24
With the direction the nations of the world are going, with nations showing allegiance to nations at war, with what's happening between Israel and Palestine, Ukraine and Russia, only God's mercy can prevent world war 3.
As it is in the physical so it is in the spiritual.
We are in times of intense spiritual battles and warfare.
As king David fought his arch enemies the Philistines who were largely giants and skilled warriors, we will find ourselves facing challenges that seem Herculean and big.
Today's enemy giants are principalities, powers, rulers of this world, master spirits in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12
They are wicked forces that comprise of fallen angels, demons, and their human agents.
Don't fall in battle.
That it looks as if you are falling doesn't mean you will fall, that it looks like you are going down doesn't mean you will go down.
It is not God's perfect will that we end up casualties of life, it is not God's will that we fall in life's battle, it is not God's will that we end up victims of life's warfare.
1 John 5:4
God is able to keep you from falling in battle.
Jude 24
Among all the kings in the Bible King David had the most battles to fight, yet he never lost a fight on the battle field.
God was faithful to keep him.
God will be faithful to keep you in your battles and warfare.
1 Corinthians 10:13
God makes a way of escape for His own.
At the time David almost fell on the battle field, God orchestrated it that he was helped.
King David was saved and didn't go down.
He had his elite force of mighty men who were concerned about him, one of them Abishai took down the giant who almost killed David.
That giant was one of the brothers of Goliath who David had killed years back as a younger man.
May God surround you with the right people, with people who will help you win, with people who will encourage you and be a blessing to you.
May God surround you with people who will hold up your hands when you are down.
May God connect you to those who matter to your destiny..
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching.
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