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Showing posts from May, 2023

The Wonders Of The 4th Man

  Daniel 3:14-30 We see king Nebuchadnezzer was in a rage and fury against the three Hebrew boys- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. Those Hebrew boys found themselves in trouble for doing the right thing, they were in a difficult situation for standing for righteousness, they were to suffer and die for defying an ungodly king who was full of ego. In life you can suffer for doing the right thing, in this world you can find yourself in tight, difficult, or even embarrassing situations because you've refused to 'bow down' to Satan. The enemy can become enraged and angry with you, the enemy can come at you because you have defied him and done the right thing. It is not every suffering that is due to sin. The disciples of Jesus once saw a blind man and asked Jesus who had sinned the blind man or his parents, they assumed suffering is naturally the consequence of sin or some kind of generational curse. This way of thinking is prevalent today in Christian circles. Jesus responded

Let Your Altar Speak!

  1 Kings 3:4,5 What young king Solomon did on the altar at Gibeon 'spoke' throughout his life. It was after Solomon sacrificed unto God at an altar God appeared to him in a dream of the night. His sacrifice summoned God, and led to Solomon's distinction. It was after Elijah rebuilt the altar of the Lord and sacrificed to God on it that fire descended from heaven. 1 kings 18:30-39 Every altar has a voice and every altar speaks. Revelation 16:7 Every altar has a covenant that works with it, and altars which are broken down can be rebuilt. 1 kings 18:30-33 Due to the cross of calvary and the process that led to the cross, the blood of Jesus speaks in Zion and at all the altars where the name of the Lord is called. Every true church or ministry has an altar before the Lord. It is a spiritual altar God recognises and associates with that work. The covenant God has with a church is connected to the church's spiritual altar. Matthew 21:13 Revelation 5:8 Revelation 8:3 The spi

The Power Of An Altar

 Exodus 20:24 An altar can be good or bad depending on the purpose of the altar and the spirit forces the altar is used to serve or invoke. An altar is a point of supernatural activity, a spot where spiritual transactions are going on. Numbers 23:1-3 Altars are powerful and can be life changing. A life or a destiny can be made or destroyed before an altar. On an altar communities, regions, and nations can be blessed or cursed. What is done on an altar can affect the coming generations positively or negatively. Noah sacrificed on an altar and it made God change His mind about the earth, removing His curse on the earth.. Genesis 8:20,21 God has great respect unto the place of the altar because an altar is a spot/place where sacrifice goes on. Altars started in heaven, God has an altar before Him in heaven, a golden altar. Revelation 9:13 Sacrifices move spirits, whether good or bad spirits. God responds to sacrifice. Psalm 51:17 The power of an altar is determined by the kind of sacrific

Our Supernatural Connections

 Genesis 1:26,28 Man was created supernatural in the beginning. Humanity was created connected to God and with a relationship with God. That is how it was until Adam and Eve listened to a wrong voice, the voice of that ancient serpent the devil. The serpents voice brought sin and sin brought death. Adam and Eve's sin started with spiritual death which led eventually led to physical death. Death is simply separation. Physical death is a separation of the spirit from the body. Spiritual death is a separation of people from God. Genesis 2:17 Sin, through Adam and Eve separated humanity from their supernatural source. Romans 5:12 God is our supernatural source, we need to remain plugged into God to be who we should be, have all we should have, and be all we can be. God's plan and dream for humanity to connect back to their supernatural source and walk with Him was fulfilled through Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:18,19 Salvation is our first connection back to the supernatural. John