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Trust The Process

 God is a sovereign God who rules in the affairs of men.

Daniel 4:32

God is interested in the affairs of His creation and pays attention to every single detail about humanity and all His other works of creation.

Luke 12:6,7

That includes you, God is interested in you.

Matthew 6:26-32

Since God created you and loves you, you can trust His process for your life.

The God who created you knows you. He not only knows you He is intentional about you.

Genesis 1:31

He has a plan, a good plan for you.

He has an expected end for you.

Jeremiah 29:11

This means He has a blueprint for your life.

Matthew 6:10

God's having a blue print for your life means there's a pattern God expects your life to follow.

It also means there is a process your life has to follow to get to your expected end.

It is a process and journey of growth and development.

1 Peter 2:2

It is a process that will bring the best out of you.

James 1:2-4

It is a process that will give you a beautiful outcome.

It is a process that will give you relevance in eternity.

1 Peter 5:4

It is a process that makes you Christ-like and God-like on the earth.

Romans 8:29

It is a spiritual journey and process.

The butterfly is a beautiful creature whose beauty comes about through a process.

The same God whose wisdom takes the egg of a butterfly through four stages of metamorphosis for that egg to evolve into a butterfly is the same God who created you and you can trust Him that His process for your life will bring about beautiful and right outcomes.

God's process will require your faith, there may be seasons and times you don't fully understand what's happening.

Such times are not the time to murmur, complain or fret.

Exodus 16:1-8

Trust God's process.

To trust God's process is to accept that God has got you and He is faithful.

2 Timothy 2:13

To trust God's process involves believing God cares for you.

Trusting God's process involves knowing God has a plan and expected end for you.

Olutosin Ogunkolade a Teacher-Pastor shares this teaching.


  1. Alleluuuuuyaaaayah theLORD GOD is truly good.


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