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The Mystery Of Creation

 Psalm 8

Everything God has created has its own mystery and purpose.

Many things we've learnt in school, which science has taught us are non-living things are things that have life according to the Bible.

The earth is a living planet and creation of God.

The earth responds to God's voice and to the commands of the sons of God.

The earth can help and fight for a person.

Revelation 12:15,16

The wind is also a living thing.

The four winds of the earth act as agents of God.

Jeremiah 49:32

God's people, those born of the Spirit are likened to wind.

John 3:8

Creation has life and glory.

There is more than meets the eye to everything God has created.

Human beings are created to have dominion over other creations of God.

Psalm 8:6

We exercise dominion largely by our words.

We should speak, declare, decree, and pray from a position of understanding.

Kings speak and their words are carried out.

Ecclesiastes 8:4

In Christ Jesus, we are people of the kingdom of God, spirit-kings of royalty, sons and daughters of God who rule with Jesus authority.

Luke 12:32

With a word Jesus cast out unclean spirits, diseases, and sicknesses.

He is the Spirit King.

Matthew 8:16

Sicknesses and diseases are living things.

Jesus spoke to a fever and it left.

Illnesses are living things.

Spirits, whether good or bad spirits are living things.

We see Jesus commanding a tree and the tree withered.

It hadn't been heard of before.

Nobody had ever given a command to a plant like that before,

Jesus taught us that we can speak to mountains.

Mark 11:23

He showed us how to live and exercise dominion over creation, he demonstrated the authority with which we should live by.

The life of Jesus was an example to us.

1 Peter 2:21

Through Jesus, we see that many things and situations we would not talk to actually have ears to listen to us.

It means they are living.

It means they can respond and obey.

Mountains, sicknesses, stones, wind, water, and the earth are living things.

We read about Jesus rebuking the wind and the sea.

Mark 4:39,40

Jesus said stones can cry out and praise him.

Luke 19:40

Every creation on the earth is living, Jesus treated them as living entities and so should we.

This is the mystery of creation.

May the whole of creation work for your good!

Romans 8:28

Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shares this teaching message.


  1. This is an eye opener.. thank you for sharing your precious teachings. 💜

  2. You are very welcome & God bless.


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