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The Resurrection & The Life

 John 11:1-44

Our text passage is an interesting, informative, and empowering one with lengthy verses.

It is a story from the scriptures that proves to us that it is not the ending of a matter if God does not end the matter.

It reveals that an issue may seem a particular way, it does not mean it has to be that way.

This is because God has a different perspective to man, for this reason the things that are seen are subject to change through God.

Physical things are temporal, that includes your challenges, difficulties, and setbacks.

2 Corinthians 4:18

Where man sees impossibilities God sees possibilities, where man sees challenges God sees opportunities.

Where man sees an end, God sees a new beginning.

Where man puts a full stop, God puts a comma.

Lazarus was a friend of Jesus as well as his two sisters Mary and Martha but something tragic and difficult happened.

Challenges do not mean God is not with you.

Challenges can come to those who are in the Lord.

That you're facing a challenge does not mean God is not with you or God is against you.

Facing a tough or rough season does not mean you don't have a relationship with the Lord.

What a privilege it is to be a friend of Jesus Christ.

The best thing that can happen to you is to have Jesus on your side, Jesus in your corner, Jesus as your friend.

Lazarus knew Jesus, he had a friendship with the 'resurrection and the life' and he benefitted from it.

I pray you benefit from having or starting a relationship with Jesus the Christ today.

When it looked like it was all over for Lazarus who had been dead for four days, Jesus proved it wasn't over yet.

He called Lazarus out of death, out of the grave, and Lazarus stepped out of the tomb.

Death was defeated, life prevailed concerning Lazarus.

This is what Jesus does.

It glorifies God!

Jesus proved He is the resurrection and the life!

He is the resurrection and the life for all situations and aspects of life.

Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shares this teaching.


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