Luke 4:5-8
In our text passage we see Satan trying to get worship from Jesus in a very sly and cunning way, he failed to tempt Jesus successfully.
When he didn't succeed in getting worship from Jesus he tried to kill Jesus.
He tried to tempt Jesus to jump off the high mountain region of a temple and misused the scriptures in a twisted fashion to achieve his aim.
Of course, it failed.
Luke 4:9-13
We are created for the glory and pleasure of God and worship glorifies and pleasures God.
Revelation 4:11
Satan has always desired worship, knowing most human beings will not directly or intentionally worship him he tries to get it indirectly.
Matthew 4:8,9
Isaiah 14:13
The scriptures tell us not to worship another except the creator.
Our worship options are between God our creator and Satan our enemy.
There's no other option, it's either you're a worshipper of God or you're a direct or indirect worshipper of Satan.
John 8:44,45
Jesus called the Jews who didn't know God children of Satan.
John 8:39-44
These were men who didn't openly worship Satan, many of them knew the law and were morally upright by their own standards; yet Jesus called them children of Satan, He said Satan was their father.
They believed they were Abraham's children but they were actually deceived.
John 8:39,40
If Jesus had worshipped Satan by falling for Satan's temptation he would have succeeded in diverting Jesus from his assignment.
The worship of Satan is an evil diversion.
Those who worship Satan directly or indirectly have been deceived at some point in their lives, they have believed and accepted a lie.
2 Corinthians 11:3
You should worship God because you were created originally for His worship, humanity was created originally in God's image and likeness.
Genesis 1:26, 28
It is your spiritual destiny to worship God
Worship is a beautiful and precious thing, so valuable Satan desires it.
To resist Satan is to deny him of worship.
James 4:7
To rebuke Satan in the name of the Lord is to deny him of worship.
Jude 9
To reject Satan's temptations is to deny him of worship.
John 4:8
To reject the doctrine of devils, his churches, and teachings is to deny Satan worship.
Revelation 2:9
The founder of the "church" of Satan was a man called Anton Lavey, he is dead now.
Such places and other occultic groups should not be joined, to join such groups is to give Satan worship.
Worship God, it brings His presence.
Worship is part of the culture of God's kingdom.
Worship done through Jesus Christ is acceptable to God, the sacrifice of Jesus our Lord makes our worship acceptable before God our Father.
Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shares this message.
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