Romans 12:2
Our text passage encourages us to renew our minds.
We renew our minds through scriptural, Biblical meditation.
The outcome of that is a changed/renewed mind and faith.
Faith comes and is developed within us through the word of God.
Faith is so important in life.
Faith is acceptable before God and brings us into the acceptable and perfect timing of God for us, which is good.
The scriptures informs us about the acceptable will of God, the acceptable time, acceptable giving, being accepted as a beloved, an acceptable moment of answered prayer, acceptable offerings and sacrifices, the fast God accepts etc
We are building in life with every choice and decision we make.
Matthew 7:24-27
Faith helps us build in a way that is acceptable to God.
Many people spend their time building their careers, they spend their years getting an education, they spend their days earning money, and their focus on growing a family which are not bad things.
They all require dedication.
Those who are as dedicated to developing faith on the inside of them are fewer and they are the truly wise ones.
There are issues of life our careers can't fix.
There are problems money can't solve.
There are challenges our education can't help us with.
There are situations our family can do nothing about.
Faith, the God kind of faith put in us in measures will deliver and not fail when used.
Anything else and everyone else can fail us outside of faith in God.
Walking in faith will help us not miss the acceptable time of God in our lives.
God is a God of timing.
He operates purposes in our lives and on the earth that have to do with His timing.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Faith ushers us into the timings of God.
Faith makes us excellent in deeds before God.
God answers us in an acceptable time or moment.
There is a way to give which ensures a reward and is acceptable before God.
Matthew 6:3,4
It was in faith that Abel gave to God which made his offering/sacrifice acceptable before God while his brother Cain's giving was rejected by the Lord.
Hebrews 11:4
Everything and everyone have their time but everyday is the acceptable time for salvation.
2 Corinthians 6:2
An acceptable time or moment is the right time or moment for a thing to be done or a purpose to come to pass. It is the time of favor, it's a time of manifestation, and the time of beauty; for all things are beautiful in their time.
Faith helps us to be persistent and endure until the acceptable time for our long awaited change to come.
Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shares this message!
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