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Showing posts from 2024

You Shall Rise!

Luke 2:25-34  When Jesus was being christened in the temple according to Jewish custom, a prophecy went forth concerning him from a holy man called Simeon. The birth of Jesus Christ is for the fall of many and the rise of many, our text passage shows this, it was part of the prophecy spoken over baby Jesus. Every word spoken over Jesus that day played out in His life. A part of that prophecy informs "he shall be a sign spoken against" This meant many people will be offended by Jesus, He would be contradicted and misunderstood. This is the reason many fall because of Jesus Christ. You can win against the Lord, to be offended with Jesus Christ is the beginning of your downward spiral. Till today, there are many who are offended at Jesus Christ, the mention of His name and His church. The offense of men was part of the strategy of Satan to destroy Jesus which played into God's plan. You have to choose which side of Jesus's prophecy you will fulfil- whether to rise throug...

Protect Your Star

 Matthew 2:1-9 Every human being is born with a star. Like Jesus you have a heavenly presence/body. Your star is your heavenly presence, your heavenly body, your astral and spiritual presence. Your star can be read. We see from our text message showing Jesus's earliest years on this earthly plane that the Star of Jesus which is also called the Star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky and wise men from the East (star gazers, astronomers, star readers) followed the Star to Jesus's location to bless Him with gifts and worship Him. The wise men followed the Star and it's not because they had nothing better to do or the Star had cast a spell on them. They followed the Star because they were reading the Star. Matthew 2:1-2 They studied the star and read it for two whole years until they got to where Jesus was, by the time they got to where Jesus was they had gathered enough information to know Jesus was no ordinary man but the Savior of the world, God in human flesh. This is why the...

Faith & The Acceptable Of God

  Romans 12:2 Our text passage encourages us to renew our minds. We renew our minds through scriptural, Biblical meditation. The outcome of that is a changed/renewed mind and faith. Faith comes and is developed within us through the word of God. Faith is so important in life. Faith is acceptable before God and brings us into the acceptable and perfect timing of God for us, which is good. The scriptures informs us about the acceptable will of God, the acceptable time, acceptable giving, being accepted as a beloved, an acceptable moment of answered prayer, acceptable offerings and sacrifices, the fast God accepts etc We are building in life with every choice and decision we make. Matthew 7:24-27 Faith helps us build in a way that is acceptable to God. Many people spend their time building their careers, they spend their years getting an education, they spend their days earning money, and their focus on growing a family which are not bad things. They all require dedication. Those who ...

The Strangers Voice

 John 10:2-5 The stranger according to our text passage is the voice of the enemy. It is the voice of deception. It is the voice of the wicked one. John 8:44 An enemy is not an individual who wishes you well, your enemy is the one who wants to steal, kill, and destroy in your life. Satan is your enemy and he has a voice. John 10:10 His voice is in the earth today. You will find his voice in every sector of life- religion, philosophies, music, social media, mass media, new age beliefs, literature, traditions and customs. I John 5:19 Be careful who you listen to, be careful who you take advise from and be careful which advise you take. You can hear the right voice. Isaiah 30:21 There are many voices in the earth today, many of them won't lead you into God's best and plan for your life. Proverbs 14:12 Just as he deceived Eve of old, his tricks and gimmicks remain the same. 2 Corinthians 11:3 People who get deceived heard and believed the wrong voice. In the same way it is possible...

Find Yourself

 Matthew 10:39 One of life's great tragedies is living on this earth and departing from this earth never discovering who you are. You owe it to yourself and those your life is meant to be a blessing to, to find out who you are. You owe it to yourself and those your life is meant to be a blessing to, to find out who you are. There are many people who don't know who they are. Luke 9:55 People who don't know who they are do things anyhow, and end up anyhow. This is why you need to find yourself! Knowing who you are will positively affect your outlook to life, your choices, decisions, and associations. If you know who you are it will be very hard for you to waste your life. Knowing who you are means you know who God created you to be. Who you are is who God says you are. Matthew 16:18 You find yourself by discovering what God's word says about you. As you believe what God's word says about you, you will begin to act it out and live it out. The Bible contains promises, r...

Unlikely Vessels (2)

  2 Kings 5:1-15 Our text passage is an interesting and enlightening one. It is from the story of Naaman the Syrian commander and Elijah the Israeli prophet of God. Naaman was a great man who received his miracle through God's prophet- Elisha. Namaan served the king of Aram (which is part of modern day Syria) faithfully, he seemed a good man at heart going by what is gleaned from Biblical accounts but He didn't know or serve the true God. He also had leprosy. God in His mercy to Namaan connected Naaman to a true prophet of His, a prophet who had the instruction for Namaan's creative miracle. This connection came about through an unlikely vessel. Namaan journeyed from Aram (Syria) to Samaria (a central region of the land of Israel) where the prophet Elisha was with the hope of finding his cure, hoping for a miracle. To receive our miracle we sometimes need to journey to where it can happen for us. It may involve a physical movement but it will definitely involve a spiritual ...

Unlikely Vessels

  Hebrews 13:2 Our text passage encourages us to be good to people, for some have entertained angels as they showed hospitality to strangers, these strangers were angels unaware. When angels come to the earth they often come in unexpected ways and forms, sometimes angels walk among us in human form, our text passage confirms this. These messengers of God come as unlikely vessels. Treat people well, especially strangers. You never know, you just might entertain an angel one day. You are blessed if you end up showing kindness to angels of God. Jesus came to the earth as the Savior unaware to many people, He was an unlikely vessel. He didn't come to the earth the way the Jews thought their Messiah would come or should come. The Jews want and expect their Messiah to come from an aristocratic noble home, they didn't expect or want a savior born in a manger, they imagined a powerful and political savior who would rise, show leadership, probably lead the nation into battles and wars a...

The God Of Creative Miracles

  2 Kings 5:1-17 Our text passage is about an interesting experience a great man by the name of Namaan had. Namaan was a warrior, leader, and right hand man to the king of Syria. He encountered the creative power of God which caused a creative miracle for him in the area where he needed it, on his skin. Namaan literally received brand new skin! Talk about God doing something new for a man! Namaan was  leprous and leprosy had no cure in those days. The leprosy had been a long standing problem in Namaan's life. A miracle fixed a long standing problem in his life that physicians and other remedies could not fix. God is the specialist! He specialises in everything good, in every area of life. Matthew 19:26 He is creative and He grants and works creative miracles. Namaan was a beneficiary of God's creative miracle, you can be a recipient of creative miracles too. God has been in the business of working miracles and He hasn't stopped. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. ...

Oracles Of God

 1 Peter 4:11 An oracle of God must know God's mind. Our text passage reveals God wants those who identify with His word to represent Him properly and accurately. To do so, we are encouraged to speak as oracles. An oracle communicates the words and mind of a deity/divine being on matters. A man/woman who is an oracle of God is one who speaks as though God Himself were speaking through him/her. To speak as an oracle is to have and be filled with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to speak through us. The Holy Spirit helps us know things to come, He communicates the Father's mind and purposes to us. John 16:13 He gives us the mind of Christ to understand, know, and communicate God's word. 1 Corinthians 2:16 Speaking as an oracle of God helps us accurately teach and communicate God's heart for the present. Speaking as an oracle of God enables us to be a blessing to people, it enables us to use divine utterances to help many. 1 Kings 17:10-16 There are issues of life that can co...

Trust The Process

 God is a sovereign God who rules in the affairs of men. Daniel 4:32 God is interested in the affairs of His creation and pays attention to every single detail about humanity and all His other works of creation. Luke 12:6,7 That includes you, God is interested in you. Matthew 6:26-32 Since God created you and loves you, you can trust His process for your life. The God who created you knows you. He not only knows you He is intentional about you. Genesis 1:31 He has a plan, a good plan for you. He has an expected end for you. Jeremiah 29:11 This means He has a blueprint for your life. Matthew 6:10 God's having a blue print for your life means there's a pattern God expects your life to follow. It also means there is a process your life has to follow to get to your expected end. It is a process and journey of growth and development. 1 Peter 2:2 It is a process that will bring the best out of you. James 1:2-4 It is a process that will give you a beautiful outcome. It is a process th...

Don't Fall In Battle

  2 Samuel 21:17 Our text passage shows us a time David the King almost fell in battle. He was almost killed by a Philistine giant, he was blessed enough to live to tell the story. King David fought a lot of battles in his life time. The similarity between King David's era and the end times is that there are lots of battles and warfare. There is no disputing the fact that we are in the end times, the signs are all around us. One of the signs of the end times according to Jesus is that nations will rise against nations and there will be wars and rumors of wars. Matthew 24 With the direction the nations of the world are going, with nations showing allegiance to nations at war, with what's happening between Israel and Palestine, Ukraine and Russia, only God's mercy can prevent world war 3. As it is in the physical so it is in the spiritual. We are in times of intense spiritual battles and warfare. As king David fought his arch enemies the Philistines who were largely giants an...

Don't Be Despised

 1 Samuel 17:41-49 Our text passage shows us the importance of not allowing anyone to despise us. Goliath despised David the shepherd boy and the rest is history, he didn't live to tell the story. David didn't allow Goliath's despising him to stop him neither should you let despisers stop you. God thinks highly of you so don't allow anyone to despise you. Psalm 8:3-8 God loves you, this places value on you; for this reason you must not allow anyone despise you. John 3:16 Jesus's death was for your rising since you are his follower, for this reason you shouldn't allow anyone to despise you. Luke 2:34 In Christ Jesus we are anointed, for this reason we should not be despised. When a true child of God is being despised it is the anointing that is being despised. It is a great mistake to despise or turn against an anointed person. David's first wife Michal despised David's public dancing before the people in praise to God as the ark of God came into the city...

Don't Fall Away

  2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 It is possible to fall away from the faith. It is possible to be in the faith, to be a follower of the Lord but choose to fall away from the Lord. Jesus doesn't lose anyone, we lose Him by choosing to fall away from Him. John 17:12 People fall away from God because they were deceived and led astray. Matthew 24:11 People fall away from God because they were seduced by false doctrine, false ministers and evil spirits. Matthew 24:24 People fall away from God because they chose darkness over light. John 3:14 People fall away from God because they follow the desires of their flesh over the Spirit of God. Galatians 5:17 Just as sheep can fall victim to predators like wolves if they wander off from the direction and voice of their shepherd, a believer can also wander away by choice against the wishes of the good Shepherd. Judas Iscariot is an example of a sheep  who wandered away from the leadership of the Shepherd (Jesus) because he was seduced by the love of...

Don't Be Weary

  Galatians 6:9 Our text passage is clear that we should not be weary in doing the good we have always done so as not to lose our reward or harvest. Every good thing we do is an investment and it is noted by the God who created the heaven and earth, the God with whom all things are naked/transparent/made plain/visible. Weariness means losing heart, to become discouraged, tired, to have reduce courage. Tiredness and fatigue leads to loss, it robs us of our opportunities and time. When we are tired we don't see a bright future, we don't see opportunities and we struggle to keep on top of things. For this reason the enemy of our souls uses fatigue as a weapon. He wants you to be weary, weariness makes us give up. He brings fatigue into our lives by trying to wear us out. Daniel 7:25 Satan tries to wear down the saints of God (the church/followers of Christ). He does this by oppressing them, persecuting them, and intimidating them. He has been given a moment in time to do so. Such ...

Don't Worship Another

  Luke 4:5-8 In our text passage we see Satan trying to get worship from Jesus in a very sly and cunning way, he failed to tempt Jesus successfully. When he didn't succeed in getting worship from Jesus he tried to kill Jesus. He tried to tempt Jesus to jump off the high mountain region of a temple and misused the scriptures in a twisted fashion to achieve his aim. Of course, it failed. Luke 4:9-13 We are created for the glory and pleasure of God and worship glorifies and pleasures God. Revelation 4:11 Satan has always desired worship, knowing most human beings will not directly or intentionally worship him he tries to get it indirectly. Matthew 4:8,9 Isaiah 14:13 The scriptures tell us not to worship another except the creator. Our worship options are between God our creator and Satan our enemy. There's no other option, it's either you're a worshipper of God or you're a direct or indirect worshipper of Satan. John 8:44,45 Jesus called the Jews who didn't know Go...

Don't Get Entangled

 Galatians 5:1 Our text passage encourages us not to be entangled again with the yoke of bondage but to stand in the liberty that Christ has given us. Jesus came for our freedom. We shouldn't go from freedom back into bondage, we must not be entangled . Entanglements are part of the strategy of the enemy of our souls to keep us bound and defeated. The spiders web comes to mind when entanglements are mentioned. The spider is a very interesting creature when you think about it. God has given the spider the unique ability to spin webs, these webs are what become cobwebs in our buildings and homes, they are the spider's traps for its potential prey and they are part of the spiders survival strategy. The purpose of the spiders web its to get the spider fed, it's to catch the spiders potential prey. The victim gets entangled in the web the spider has weaved skillfully with clever patterns. Very much like the spider, Satan sets traps to capture souls and destinies. Like a spider h...

Don't Look Back

  Genesis 19:12-26 Our Lord Jesus is worth going all the way with and all the way for. To truly encounter the Lord is to discover that there is nothing out there that's better than our Lord, there is no one who compares to Him. If we understand this we won't look back from following the Lord. To look back is to give up on the Lord. To look back is to become faithless. To look back is to doubt God. To look back is to disobey God. Looking back in our walk with God is a choice, a wrong choice. Remember Lot's wife, she looked back and became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:26 To look back is to disrespect God's instruction . To look back is to choose the pleasures of this world over the kingdom of God, it is to choose the deceptions of the enemy over God's truth, it is to choose sin over righteousness, and the offer of the enemy over God's promises. God's mercy found Lot and his family in Sodom and Gomorrah, a way of escape was made for them during a time of judgem...

Don't Give Up On God

 2 Corinthians 4:8,9 It can be tough believing God and holding unto faith in God when nothing seems to be working. It can be challenging believing God and it seems God has not been answering. Our close acquaintances might encourage us to give up on God, that was what Job's wife encouraged him to do. Job 2:9 Our human mind through logical reasoning will make us think we are wasting our time. Our flesh will push us to go our own way and rebel against God. Matthew 26:41 Despite all of this, God is telling you not to give up, do not give up on God. Stay faithful to God, your faithfulness to God will be rewarded, you can't afford to give up. Difficulties and sufferings have a purpose, they are to reveal the glory of God, they are meant to produce true life in us. 2 Corinthians 4:10 If you trust God you will trust His process, you will know God is faithful. Your faithfulness to God opens a portal for God to come to you and fellowship with you. Revelation 3:20 Nothing should be strong...

Don't Fall For It

  John 8:44 Satan is a liar and the father of lies. Our text passage establishes this fact. Through lies he deceives, he not only lies he also steals, kills, and destroys. John 10:10 The purpose of his lies is to steal, kill, and destroy. He is also called the accuser of the brethren (believers/Christians) Revelation 12:10 He accuses us to cause delays, denials, and to wreck havoc in our lives. Every individual has a responsibility to ensure he/she is not deceived by the enemy. Proverbs 4:23 Don't fall for Satan's lies . Eve fell for it and humanity is still dealing with the repercussion of Eve's falling for the enemy's deception. Genesis 3:1-7 Through a lie and deception, he denied Adam and Eve the blessing of living in Eden, the joy of living forever, and the peace of communion and a relationship with God. Only God knows what the enemy has robbed individuals, families, societies, and nations of, from one generation to the other. A deceived person has been blinded to a...

Don't Worry

 Matthew 6:25-34 Our text passage shows us how God wants us to live, He wants us living worry free lives. Human beings have a tendency to worry about life and the issues that come with everyday life. We worry about the future of the earth, our environment, outer space, our jobs, our careers, our finances, our marriages, our children, friends, spiritual issues and a whole lot. Living a worry free life almost seems impossible. If it wasn't possible to live worry free, why would the Lord recommend we live that way? The Lord taught us to live worry free, it's possible. God supplies the grace for us to live free of worry, so it is possible by God's help, you can also adopt the right perspective and live worry free. The right perspective is the perspective God wants you to have regarding life's issues. Instead of focusing on the issues that make us worry, God  will have us focus on His love and abilities. Colossians 3:2 Instead of focusing on our challenges and difficulties, ...

The Flame Of Righteousness

 Matthew 6:33 You can have and live a righteous life that God is pleased with irrespective of your past, your mistakes, and poor choices/decisions from the past. Righteousness is important to God and it should be important to you. Righteousness is important that's why Jesus asked us to seek for it, He asked us to seek for the righteousness of God. If it wasn't possible to get righteous Jesus wouldn't have asked us to seek for it. The purpose of seeking for God's righteousness is to get it and make it ours. You can seek for the righteousness of God, find it, and it becomes who you are. You can become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! 2 Corinthians 5:21 Righteousness is associated with purity, it's also associated with God's kingdom The blood of Jesus makes us clean and righteous. Righteousness can spread, it is inspiring and contagious. Like a flame of fire righteousness can spread from one person to another. The righteous life is a beautiful life. Like a...

Righteousness & Judgement

 Isaiah 54:14-15 Our righteousness from God has many benefits and advantages. Righteousness is perhaps not the most exciting word for many people even Christians, it doesn't stir the kind of reaction words like prosperity, blessing, exploits, faith or wisdom does in people. The righteousness of the believer is not human morality which doesn't please God, human morality without salvation is self righteousness. Isaiah 64:6 The righteousness of the believer in Christ is not earned by human effort, we can't boast about achieving it by ourselves, it's not do's and don'ts. It is put upon us by faith in Jesus Christ. That's why there is hope for as many as come to God in repentance to receive it. It is a reason a prostitute, even Rahab the harlot could be declared righteous. James 2:25 Righteousness is right standing with God. Righteousness on our lives makes God the Father view us through the lens of Jesus the Christ. Righteousness gives you the right to use the s...

Joy, An Aspect Of Faith!

  Psalm 4:7 God is the giver of true joy. Joy is an aspect of true faith. I'm referring to God given joy, this type of joy is not dependent on natural or outward factors, it doesn't need something physical to happen for this joy to erupt. This joy is part of the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22 Joy is more important than many people realize when it comes to their lives and spiritual walk. Guard your joy and see to it  that no one steals it. The enemy will try to steal your joy, he will use people, situations, circumstances and all sorts of distractions and gimmicks to try and steal your joy. John 10:10 You will do well not to give in to the enemy and his tricks, don't fall for it. We need our faith to please God. Hebrews 11:6 Joy reveals and reflects your faith. If you receive from God you will be joyful. John 16:24 We need faith to receive from God. Faith demands we believe and know we have received from God  before we receive the physical manifestation of that which ...

The Mystery Of Creation

  Psalm 8 Everything God has created has its own mystery and purpose. Many things we've learnt in school, which science has taught us are non-living things are things that have life according to the Bible. The earth is a living planet and creation of God. The earth responds to God's voice and to the commands of the sons of God. The earth can help and fight for a person. Revelation 12:15,16 The wind is also a living thing. The four winds of the earth act as agents of God. Jeremiah 49:32 God's people, those born of the Spirit are likened to wind. John 3:8 Creation has life and glory. There is more than meets the eye to everything God has created. Human beings are created to have dominion over other creations of God. Psalm 8:6 We exercise dominion largely by our words. We should speak, declare, decree, and pray from a position of understanding. Kings speak and their words are carried out. Ecclesiastes 8:4 In Christ Jesus, we are people of the kingdom of God, spirit-kings of ro...

Know Your Value

  Mark 8:36, 37 Our text passage emphasizes the value of a human soul, the value of your soul. If no one has ever told you before that you are valuable, accept it right now that you are. You are valuable and you are loved, this is what God wants you to know through this teaching. We live in a world where we have many things upside down compared to how things should be, when they are compared to how God intended them to be. We operate with belief systems and philosophies that contradict the Bible, no matter how intelligent they sound. Colossians 2:8 Our priorities have been misplaced, we value material things over people, we use people and love material things instead of using material things and loving people. God loves people and we should love people, especially those of the household of faith, God's people. Galatians 6:10 John 13:34 You are more valuable to God than all the riches of this world . Your soul is the most valuable creation on earth. It is sad to see people sell them...

The Resurrection & The Life

 John 11:1-44 Our text passage is an interesting, informative, and empowering one with lengthy verses. It is a story from the scriptures that proves to us that it is not the ending of a matter if God does not end the matter. It reveals that an issue may seem a particular way, it does not mean it has to be that way. This is because God has a different perspective to man, for this reason the things that are seen are subject to change through God. Physical things are temporal, that includes your challenges, difficulties, and setbacks. 2 Corinthians 4:18 Where man sees impossibilities God sees possibilities, where man sees challenges God sees opportunities. Where man sees an end, God sees a new beginning. Where man puts a full stop, God puts a comma. Lazarus was a friend of Jesus as well as his two sisters Mary and Martha but something tragic and difficult happened. Challenges do not mean God is not with you. Challenges can come to those who are in the Lord. That you're facing a challe...

Keep Striking!

  2 Kings 13:15-19 The prophet Elisha informed the king of Israel as we read in our text passage that the king would have destroyed his enemies the Syrians totally, if the king had kept striking the ground with the arrows he shot. Unfortunately king Jehoahaz, the king of Israel fell short. He didn't strike long enough. If it is working, don't stop it. If it is working, don't change it. Don't change or stop whatever is working, keep doing what works. If it is the right thing, keep doing it. Prayer works, keep praying. Luke 18:1 Thee word of God works. keep speaking it and keep declaring it. Going into the Lord's presence in the place of meditation works, don't stop meditating on the word of God and His specific promises to you. At times we are closer to a breakthrough than we realize, if we stop what has been working for us we might miss out. This is not the time to give up. You might be just a step or action away from a miracle. Each time you pray, you are shoot...


  Genesis 45:3-5 Our text passage shows us God can repackage an individual and present that person to his world as a better and improved person. That was the experience of Joseph in the land of Egypt. God gave him a change of story for the better, he was granted a change of identity for good, and a positive change of social status. Genesis 41:38-45 God granted him distinction, he was put on a pedestal others could not be put on in the whole of Egypt because God gave him the ability to solve a problem others could not solve. About thirteen years had passed since the brothers of Joseph sold him into slavery, over the years Joseph had learnt and started speaking the Egyptian language, and through a series of God orchestrated processes he rose to a Pharaoh-like status in Egypt. Unfortunately Joseph was from a family where there were issues just like many families have today. Families are often not perfect. He was from a family where his brothers had become his detractors, his critics, ...

All Things Are Possible With God

  Luke 1:37 Our text passage attests to the truth that all things are possible with God. The Bible informs us here that nothing shall be impossible with God. Nothing shall be impossible with God means there is no impossibilities in God, with God, and through God. It means the things we can imagine and the things we cannot imagine which are beyond our abilities to imagine are possible with God. It is very easy to forget we are connected to a God with whom all things are possible. The 'push and pull' of our day to day lives, life's demands, challenges, difficulties, setbacks and responsibilities can overwhelm and make us forget we have a God who can help us and through whom all things are possible. This is why a teaching like this is important, be encouraged and reminded that with God all things are possible. If a virgin could give birth a male child without physical intimacy with a man, nothing is impossible through God for you. Luke 1:26-56 If a man by the name of Lazarus w...

The Light Of Jesus Christ (2)

  Acts 9:1-7 When the light of Jesus Christ was encountered by Saul on the road to Damascus, it lead to Saul's path being set straight, his ministry starting, error removed from his life and replaced by truth and revelation. The light of Jesus Christ prevents mistakes, error, and stumbling. John 8:12 The light of Jesus Christ gives discernment. The light of Jesus Christ can defend, we see this happening when Saul rose up to afflict the church in Damascus.  Acts 9:3 The light of Jesus Christ conveys the voice of Christ. Acts 9:4 The light of Jesus Christ can paralyze. The light of Jesus can blind. Acts 9:9 The light of Jesus Christ gives life, eternal life. John 1:4 The light of Jesus Christ gives hope in a dark world. Colossians 1:27 The light of Jesus Christ is the glory and nature of God within the sons and daughters of God (believers). The light of Jesus powers the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God is called God's marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 The light of Jesus is wonderfu...

The Light Of Jesus Christ

  Acts 19:1-9 The light of Jesus Christ is no ordinary light. The light of Jesus Christ is brighter than the sun. Acts 26:13 This is the light that blinded Saul while he was on the road to Damascus before he became known as Paul the Apostle. The light of Jesus Christ has transformative power. An encounter with this light is not only transformative, you don't recover from it. It radically changes lives and it becomes etched in your being. Saul never recovered from his encounter with the light of Jesus Christ, that day marked a turning point in his life. The light of Jesus Christ is the glory of God. Jesus was that light of God in human form who came to the earth, God the Father's glory in the form of a human being. John 1:14 In scripture we see this light/glory emanating from the countenance of Jesus Christ. Revelation 1:16 This light is the nature, the power, and the essence of God emanating through Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6 Jesus displayed His light on the mount of transfigura...

You Must Manifest

 Matthew 12:35 Our text passage shows us our hearts are like our personal inbuilt factories where things are birthed and manifest. It is from our hearts the issues of life spring forth. From our hearts, we bring forth. There are things God wants you to bring forth on this earth. There are things God wants you to show forth on this earth. God wants to bring forth and show forth through you. There are dreams and desires God put in your heart, you are meant to bring them forth. God can help you manifest them. Psalm 37:4 There are good works, good ideas, good purposes, and good intentions that God wants you to show forth. Ephesians 2:10 If it is in your heart, it can manifest. To bring forth, show forth, and being visible are aspects of manifestation. Jesus called those who follow Him the light of the world, a city set on a hill, that should not be hidden. He has identified you, the follower of Christ as someone who should be visible, someone who should manifest for God. Matthew 5:14-1...

The Kiss Of Heaven

 Psalm 85:10,11 A kiss can show love, it could be a romantic kiss, it can be a holy kiss (greeting), a sibling kiss, or a family kiss. 1 Peter 5:14, Romans 16:16, Songs of Solomon 1:2, Genesis 48:10, Genesis 29:13 In some countries and cultures, kissing on the cheek is a form of greeting. In some environments and families, it is their culture that family members kiss one another as a form of greeting and approval. A kiss can be a very beautiful gesture and act. It is evidence of friendliness. A kiss or kissing can also be an act of honor. Luke 7:45 Kisses are used to show affection, love, likeness, fondness, acceptance, and closeness. A kiss was used wrongly when Judas Iscariot used it to betray Jesus. Mark 14:14 The Songs Of Solomon is a romantic write up depicting the relationship Solomon had with one of his wives, a lady called the Shulammite woman. King Solomon and this lady loved each other very much, and had a great chemistry. They hang out and speak romantic words to one ano...

Stability In Unstable Times

  Psalm 16:8 Those who trust in the Lord will not be shaken. There is a shaking taking place in the world, it is the season we are in, in the world. It is a shaking that's affecting every area of life, causing uncertain times. We see it happening from the entertainment industries, to the economy of nations, the religious/spiritual sector, businesses, families, and individuals. Times are unstable for many globally. The earth is being shaken. Haggai 2:6 It's started years back, the season of Covid-19 was just an aspect of it. Satan can only play into God's agenda. Such times should not scare, defeat, or overcome a believer in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:38,39 The Bible had predicted the times we are in. If you trust in God you do not have to be shaken. Psalm 62:6 In the midst of it all the Christian can not only survive but flourish. We should survive and flourish in these times which means we can enjoy stability in unstable times. Isaiah 54:10 The kingdom of God within us is a gr...

Ring Of Fire

  Zechariah 2:5 Our text passage shows God puts a wall of fire or ring of fire around His people. God is the ultimate protector. God promises to be a wall of fire around His people. If God is around you and yours, it means He has circled you and yours for protection and to defend. Since it is a circular presence of God, it means every aspect of your life will be protected and defended. God's circular presence with us also represents the covenant He has with us. God's ring of fire is meant to be around His people, His chosen ones. The circle is the symbol of the covenant. This is why ribs are semi circles like, on the left and one the right of the human body. When a right rib and a left rib are joined or placed together, they form a circle or a ring. The woman was created from the rib of a man to symbolize the covenant of marriage with the man. Genesis 2:22 The woman is the creation the man was chosen to get into a covenant of marriage with. This is why marital rings are circula...

Speak To It

  Genesis 1 Our text passage shows us God is creative and creation came about through His faith and His faith was released through His words. Creation is designed to hear the voice of humanity. Creation is put together to obey the sound, voice, and instructions of the sons of God. Romans 8:19-22 The whole of God's creation will respond to the faith on the inside of you, the faith that God has given you. It is our responsibility to nurture and cultivate the faith of God within us. We see what the faith of God is from the scriptures, we receive insights into how it works, and we get to know how faith is released. The God kind of faith is speaking faith. You have to release your faith through what you say, through your mouth, through your words. Your words reveal your faith. We see water responding to faith in the Bible, the wind and they sea obeyed Jesus! He spoke to the elements. We can do the same. We see seas and rivers responding to faith. We see oil responding to faith in the Bi...