1 Timothy 1:8
Prayer is an essential part of manifestation from the Spirit realm to the physical realm.
Manifesting is expected of every child of God.
Manifestation refers to an elevation, a promotion and complete change and turn around that moves a child of God to a place of improvement and growth. Romans 8:19
For your prophecy, dreams and visions to manifest, you have to pray.
Every saint of God who turned out right with God and manifested his dream had a prayer had a prayer life and relationship with God.
Elijah manifested through prayer- 1 King 18:36
A short edification shared during the church's mid week prayer meeting by Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher Pastor.
Prayer is an essential part of manifestation from the Spirit realm to the physical realm.
Manifesting is expected of every child of God.
Manifestation refers to an elevation, a promotion and complete change and turn around that moves a child of God to a place of improvement and growth. Romans 8:19
For your prophecy, dreams and visions to manifest, you have to pray.
Every saint of God who turned out right with God and manifested his dream had a prayer had a prayer life and relationship with God.
Elijah manifested through prayer- 1 King 18:36
A short edification shared during the church's mid week prayer meeting by Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher Pastor.
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