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Text: Psalm 91:11, Hebrews 13:2, Psalms 103:20, Nehemiah 9:6

Angelic ministrations are for our benefit. Hebrews 1:14
Angels are not fictional characters.
Angels are not fables or make believe.
The study of the Bible shows us angels are real. Angels were created by God. Colossians 1:16
Angels are spirit beings, they are a part of God's heavenly family, and they do God's will. Job 1:6, Job 2:1

1) Angels can minister- Matthew 4:11, Luke 22:43
They minister encouragement, help, empowerment and motivation
2) Angels follow God's Word- Revelation 19:11-14
3) Angels are more than ordinary-
4) Angels report to God- Job 1:6, Job 2:1
5) Angels can sing- Job 38:7
6) Angels can kill or destroy- 1 Chronicles 21:15
7) Angels can fight- Revelation 12:7,8
8) Angels reflect God's brightness because they stay in God's presence- Luke 1:11,12,19
9) Angels are mighty and strong- 2 Kings 19:35
10) Angels can appear to people- Luke 1:11-13
11) Angels can protect- Psalms 91:11,12
12) Angels are on the side of God's people- Hebrews 1:14
13) Angels don't die- Luke 20:36
14) Angels are loyal to God- Luke 15:10, Luke 15:7
15) Angels can be inquisitive- 1 Peter 1:12, Matthew 24:36 (There are things angels don't know)
16) Angels are wise- 2 Samuel 14:20

It is important to understand angels and the ministry God has given them because angels are part of God's Kingdom and as citizens of God's Kingdom we need to understand the mysteries of the kingdom.
Angels are part of God's Kingdom mysteries.
You cannot exempt angels from the Kingdom of God. They are part of it.
Angels are God's Kingdom or heavenly work force, they are useful to man and they are useful to God.
Angels always execute the wish of God- whether its to deliver the saints from harm, to deliver God's messages to people, or to carry out judgement on a people or individual.
There are ranks among angels, some are princes which lead other angels.

Angels can appear in dreams- Matthew 1:20
We see from the study of scriptures that angels play very important roles in the fulfillment of God's plan when it comes to human affairs, that's why this topic as a Kingdom message is worth understanding.
True angels from God don't accept worship- Revelation 22:9
True angels don't allow fear in you- Daniel 10:12, Revelation 1:17, 2 Timothy 1:7

Several different types of angels are found in the Bible:-
a) Arch angels- 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Jude 9
arch angels are principalities, they are princes who govern over a group of other angels.
 Revelation 12:7
b) Seraphims- Isaiah 6:2
c) Cherubs- Ezekiel 41:18, Ezekiel 10:21
d) Fallen angels- are bad angels, they are the angels on the side of satan.
Rebellion has become their nature. They form the rulers and powers, master spirits in the heavenly realms that Ephesians 6:12 talks about. They are the forces that hinder people, and the people of God of God have to engage them in warfare.
During the days of Noah, some of them were bound in chains of darkness by God for defiling and marrying women who gave birth to hybrids or nephilims. 2 Peter 2:4

Angels are strong beings. Psalms 103:20
Angels can appear as human beings. Hebrews 13:2
God accepts His angels worshiping Him because they are spirits. John 4:24
Angels know more than man. They can reveal things- Zechariah 1:9
Despite their abilities, their wisdom and their awe inspiring looks and presence, angels are not to be worshiped, prayed to or taken as gods. Colossians 2:18


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