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THE MINISTRY OF GOD (back to the basics) (Transcripts)

Text: Hebrews 8:6
         Ephesians 4:11,12

Earthly things are designed and patterned by God after heavenly things or from heavenly inspiration
Matthew 6:10, Genesis 2:8, Ezekiel 28:13-14

The tabernacle of Moses was patterned after the instructions God gave Moses, they were specific and very detailed instructions. Hebrews 8:5, Exodus 25:40

This is evidence to us that God cares about details, God cares about  the big things and the small things that concern our lives. Exodus 25:1-9, Matthew 6:1-34

Our Lord Jesus said so, He said 'even the hairs on our head are numbered by God' Matthew 10:30
God cares about our nutrition. He cares about the food you eat, the clothes you wear and the water you drink. He cares about your bills, your standard of living and your income. Matthew 6:27-33,
2 Peter 1:3
The Bible is a complete book written by the influence of a complete God so that God's people will live complete lives. Colossians 2:9,10, 2 Timothy3:16,17
God's ministry is to man. Acts 20:21-24, 2 Corinthians 3:6
God assigns ministries to people
God's ministry to man is birthed out of love for man.
Love for God and God's people should be the purpose for ministry.
At the root of every ministry of God should be love.
Every true christian ministry must be the same in terms of having the love of God as it's propelling force.
The purpose of every ministry God raises up is to show the love of God to man, they are extensions of God's love ministry to humanity. 2 Corinthians 5:18
There are different ministries for different purposes.
There are also different spiritual offices for different assignments but if we miss out on the love factor we will fall into error when carrying out our assignment because we didn't know the basics of what we should know before embarking on our ministry assignment. Romans 11:28-31
That's like trying to read without being familiar with the alphabets or trying to read without knowing how each alphabet sounds.
It is like trying to solve advanced mathematics equations without understanding the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
When the basic maths knowledge is not there we cannot solve harder sums.
Christians want to deal with Satan, we want to defeat witches and wizards, we want to frustrate the forces of darkness, we want to show ourselves superior to our enemies and the kingdom of satan but when we miss out on the love requirement for our ministries and our lives we will be like little boys and girls on a power trip.
In the sight of God we will look like immature youngsters who are power drunk.
I'm encouraging us to get back to the basics.
I'm encouraging us to understand why we are christians and why we do what we do.
Do we serve in church because we want to show off?
Are we in ministry because we want to prove a point to someone or some people?
Love should be the reason we do what we do and do not do what we do not do.
The call of God and a love for God is the reason this ministry was started
God's call is also evidence of God's love to us.
Our response to God's call and assignment is evidence of our love to God.
Every child of God has a ministry, your service in God's house is an extension of your personal ministry.
You may be called into the 5 fold ministry of an Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist or Teacher, or you may be called to serve God in one creative way or the other.
Your call may be to a ministry, an individual or to serve in one department or the other in a church.
Whatever you are called to do, do it as unto the Lord.
Do it because you know that's what God has called you to do and because you love God.
The only person you should be trying to please is God because you should know your ministry is the ministry of God being worked through you. It is an extension of Jesus's ministry. With this understanding, you will not need the validation of man but you will be after God's commendation, knowing your ministry is following the heavenly pattern of God for it here on earth.

True ministries of God glorify God, focus on Jesus, operate out of Godly love and know Jesus is the perfect example. They don't pattern themselves after the aggression of Elijah, the mistake of Elisha who killed youths as a result of immaturity or Moses who could not control his temper.
Divine, Jesus type of love is for the mature.


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