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Text: Ephesians 6:11-13

There is spiritual warfare, it's real and the Bible confirms this.
Many things we see in this physical realm reveals what happens in the spiritual realm.
If there are battles in the physical dimension, they exist in the spiritual dimension.
We see wars in this physical realm, and there are wars in the spiritual realm to.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 attests to spiritual warfare.
The first war started in heaven, and it is the 'mother' of all other wars we have today, both physical and spiritual wars.
If this war didn't happen, spiritual and physical wars won't exist today!
Revelation 12:7-9

Lucifer, the anointed angel, a cherub, kick started the first war, which led to the loss of his glory and position in heaven.
Ezekiel 28:14-17
The war Lucifer, who is now known as Satan started has brought humanity into a battle she did not foresee or ask for.
While Eve was ignorant that there was an enemy, which means a potential battle, she was deceived.
Deception remains one of the chief weapons of Satan.
2 Corinthians 11:3
Whether we like it or not, we are in a spiritual battle, and using the spiritual weapons God has provided and fighting back is the way to succeed and progress.
Ephesians 6:13-18
Humanity has found herself in a battle she did not start, a battle she was lured into by deception but has to be won by truth.
John 8:32

God's Word is truth, it builds faith in us which makes us win.
1 John 5:4
Jesus is the truth that helps us win the battles of life.
John 14:6
We can depend on Jesus to help us win in the battles of life because He knows what we are going through, He has gone through worse than we have to experience and He emerged victorious.
Isaiah 53:5,7-12

*Because you have an enemy who wants to steal from you, kill you, and destroy you.
John 10:10
*Because the enemy, the devil tries to touch anything God loves. And God loves you,
Job 1:9-12, Job 2:3-6
*You are in a spiritual war because the devil envies you. He is jealous of you. He lost his own destiny with God and he wants you to lose yours.
He wants to pull you down, he is in the business of pulling down God's stars, and you are a star of God if you are born again.
Revelation 12:4
*The devil hates us because our lives are designed to glorify God and depopulate the devils kingdom. Colossians 1:13, Isaiah 49:3
*Because we are meant to continue the ministry of Jesus here on earth, which involves destroying the works of Satan. 1 John 3:8, John 15:4, John 20:21
*You are in a spiritual war because the enemy needs you for his own kingdom and service.
1 Peter 5:8, Matthew 12:26, and Matthew 12:26 reveals to us that the devil has his own kingdom!
But there is hope for us!

*BY BECOMING SPIRIT- for the enemy you are in a battle with is a spirit, to deal with him you have to operate from a spirit realm not a carnal realm.
John 3: 5-6
*BY PUTTING ON YOUR SPIRITUAL ARMOUR- the helmet of salvation, the breast plate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit (Word) and praying in the Spirit.
A) The name of Jesus- Philippians 2:10
B) The Word of God- Hebrews 4:12
C) The blood of Jesus- Revelations 12:11
D) The help of the Holy Spirit- John 14:26- the Holy Spirit can teach you warfare and how to fight. Psalm 18:34
E) Putting your angels to work- Hebrews 1:14- engage the angels of God in you spiritual warfare
F) Regular and scriptural prayer- 1 Timothy 4:5, a combination of the Word and prayer is powerful in warfare.
G) Praise and Worship- Psalm 22:3-5 Praise and worship brings God unto the scene to deliver you.
H) Scriptural Decrees and Confessions- this is using your tongue/mouth as a weapon during prayer and spiritual warfare. Revelation 19:15, Revelation 1:16

(Delivered by Pastor Tosin @ THE LIGHT OF JESUS CHRIST ASSEMBLY)


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