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Showing posts from March, 2015

MIRACLES AND LOVE. (A Sunday message transcript)

T ext : Matthew 5:44-48 Miracles from God are evidence and proof of God's love towards us. The whole of creation was put together as we read in Genesis 1:1-27 by God's miracle touch. God's miracle touch at creation was His Word and Spirit. God's Word has miracle power and it creates for man's benefit. Walking in love is an act of perfection, it attracts God. Love is the reason God will give you a miracle. Anyone you truly love you can do anything for, and we know God loves humanity because God's Word tells us in the popular Bible passage- John 3:16 that God so loved the world that He gave is only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ so that the world won't perish. Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle of all time and God gave Him up for you and I, in the process putting value on humanity. This singular act and decision is a miracle in itself. God's love to man is a miracle! Our Lord Jesus is the greatest demonstration of God's love and God...


Text : Romans 1:20, John 1:1-10 What is light? It is the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. Light is illumination, brightness, lusture, a glow, a dazzle. Every light has something that generates it, every light has something that shines it forth, an agent that makes it manifest. Examples: lamps and light bulbs shine light that is electronically powered.  Rainbows are arranged by God The sun shines forth light that is used for solar energy. So lamps, light bulbs and the sun are forms of light sources that are useful to us, as light is always useful.  As light is useful physically, it is useful spiritually.  Romans 1:20 Light has spiritual significance. Jesus identified with light.  In fact Jesus called himself the Light. In the spirit realm there are different lights.  John 1:9 But Jesus is THE LIGHT, the main light. The spiritual light we are talking about gives life.  John 1:4 God's Word is light.  John 1:4-5 ...

THE KEY OF DAVID (Sunday message transcript)

Text : Isaiah 22:22, Revelation 3:7 Every time 'keys' are mentioned in scripture, closing and shutting is talked about. And rightly so since that's what we use keys for. Keys are used to open doors. Doors in scripture refer to an opportunity, an opportunity that has been opened. The keys and doors the Bible talks about are 'spiritual keys' and 'doors' So there are spiritual keys that can open earthly and heavenly doors of opportunities unto us. When Jesus refers to himself as the DOOR in John 10:7, He was saying He is the opportunity of His people. He is the opportunity His people, His flock, His sheep need to the place of pasture, to the place where their needs will be met. Jesus is our door to the Kingdom, He is our door to the heavenly Father, He is our opportunity to having all our needs met according to our heavenly Father's rices in glory.  Philippians 4:19 Every time the Bible talks about the key of David it's referring to a parti...

GOD, BLESSINGS AND PRIORITIES. (Sunday message transcript)

Text : Luke 12:29-31 Having priorities brings order into our lives. God is a God of priority. He teaches and shows us priority in His Word. God is focused, wise and intelligent. God knows the difference between a need and a want. God knows what He wants. God knows what He needs. God knows what you need, what you want and He sees you right where you are. God is interested in us getting our priorities right, we see this from the story of Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42 God expects us to make His Word our priority. God expects us to make Him, His Word our priority. The seeking of God, the ways of God and the Spirit of God is seeking first the Kingdom of God, and seeking the Kingdom of God first is what releases the blessing. Matthew 6:33 And it's the blessing that removes sorrow from our lives, it's the blessing that enriches us. Proverbs 10:22 God's priority is His Kingdom, and you are part of that Kingdom if Jesus is in your life. God expects us to make the ad...

FERVENT PRAYER! (A wednesday message transcript)

James 5:16, 17 Fervency means intensity , heat . Fervency is from the latin word 'fervere' which means 'boil'. Fervency is a heart matter. Fervency is having or showing great emotion or zeal. Which means God wants us praying prayers that are from the heart, prayers that boil from our heart, prayers that mean something to us so it impacts on our emotions. This is the kind of prayer that makes spiritual impact. Fervent prayers are effectual prayers. Fervent prayers are impactful prayers. Fervent prayers are the kind of prayers Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane- Luke 22:39-46 Fervent prayers are the kind of prayers Elijah prayed in 1 Kings 18:41-19:8 Fervent prayers are the kind of prayers Jabeez prayed in 1 Chronicles 4:10 Fervent prayers are the kind of prayers Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:10 Fervent prayers are the kind of prayers Elijah prayed in James 5:17 Fervent prayers are the kind of prayers that's required to deal with the hardships, setbacks, ...


Text : Judges 6:12-14 Many of us are like Gideon in more ways than one- fearful, unsure, full of doubt, surrounded by enemies who are stronger than we are or that we feel are stronger than we are.  Like Gideon many of us have had bad experiences and we are bound by those experiences we have had, and don't know the way forward. Like Gideon many have heard of the miracle working power of God, we have heard things God has done in the past but we are not experiencing them in the present. Like Gideon, many of us do not know who we are and the potential we carry. Moses was also like that. He didn't know who he was.  Exodus 3:1-3, Exodus 4:1-14 Moses and Gideon both had doubts about who God said they were. Both men were great men and generals in God's sight but when their call came by divine appointments they didn't feel qualified in themselves due to the low self esteem they both had. As God in His mercy didn't leave Moses and Gideon to wallow in doubt of their i...


Text : Matthew 13:1-13 When you sow into the Kingdom of God you are sowing into the best ground, you are sowing into a realm and dimension that can yield you eternal results. Mark 10:28-31 When you give into the Kingdom you are giving into the power of an indestructible life. You are sowing into God's indestructible life. John 3:16 The quality of life God's Kingdom offers is eternal life, eternal life is God's quality of  life, and this quality of life is beyond human, natural life. It is 'zoe' life which is the God kind of life. John 1:12,13 It was the quality of life found in Jesus while on earth. This life explains the reason why Jesus could not be killed or destroyed despite the many opposition and enemies He had. Each time Jesus overcame evil intentions,enemies, jealousy and envy it's because He was operating in and from a realm that was far above where His enemies were, so they could not get Him. Living and operating from this realm which is the Ki...


Text : Hebrews 12:2 , John 13:15 There are many examples for the faithful of the christian faith to learn from, shinning 'lights' whose devout lifestyles to God are worthy of emulation. Men and women who performed exploits by faith, pleased God by obedience, experienced God by grace and did the impossible because they were called of God. In Hebrews 11:2 the scriptures talks about such exploits, these shinning 'lights' are called elders, and they obtained a good testimony by faith. They are called 'elders' because they were before us, they are senior or elder to our generation and senior to each of  us. Their achievements by faith is a source of inspiration and motivation to all christians. In Hebrews 12:1 these elders or examples to us are called 'cloud of witnesses'. They are not dead but alive because our God is a God of the living not the dead. Mark 12:27, Luke 20:38 These cloud of witnesses or elders are also called the 'spirit of just me...

THE MINISTRY OF GOD (back to the basics) (Transcripts)

Text : Hebrews 8:6          Ephesians 4:11,12 Earthly things are designed and patterned by God after heavenly things or from heavenly inspiration Matthew 6:10, Genesis 2:8, Ezekiel 28:13-14 The tabernacle of Moses was patterned after the instructions God gave Moses, they were specific and very detailed instructions. Hebrews 8:5, Exodus 25:40 This is evidence to us that God cares about details, God cares about  the big things and the small things that concern our lives. Exodus 25:1-9, Matthew 6:1-34 Our Lord Jesus said so, He said 'even the hairs on our head are numbered by God' Matthew 10:30 God cares about our nutrition. He cares about the food you eat, the clothes you wear and the water you drink. He cares about your bills, your standard of living and your income. Matthew 6:27-33, 2 Peter 1:3 The Bible is a complete book written by the influence of a complete God so that God's people will live complete lives. Colossians 2:9,10, 2 Timothy3:16,...

DON'T GIVE UP. (Transcript)

One of the things we are able to see from the Bible is that the world and every physical creation has it's root in a spirit source. God is that spirit source. Genesis 1:1 So creation emerged from God's Spirit dimension and creation is maintained by God who is Spirit. Psalm 8:1,3,4 When things went wrong it was also from the spirit realm. The devil is a spirit, a fallen angel and it was his deception that has put humanity and the world in the bad shape it is today. The devil took on the image of a serpent and deceived the first woman Eve who made her husband by the name of Adam to sin. Genesis 3:1-19 The curse that came upon humanity is from a spiritual source, the deception of humanity was from a spirit source and many of the challenges we go through have spiritual roots or sources. Man is so used to the physical dimension of the five senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste. We tend to think everything including our problems are limited to the physical dimensi...


Text :  Isaiah 56:7-8 There are different types of prayers, and there are different motivations for prayer. People pray for different reasons, some pray because it has become a religious obligation to do so. They were brought up that way. Some people pray out of fear and they have been taught that if they don't pray well enough the devil and enemies will get them. Some other people pray to show off, to make others see how well they pray or how gifted they are in prayer. Some people pray out of guilt. They feel guilty about things they have done wrong, and they turn to God in prayer to make them feel better. There are those who pray because they love God and want to communicate with Him, this is a good reason to pray. Many people pray because they need a blessing, a favour and have a request to make to God. Other people pray because of a combination of all those reasons mention. It's worth noting : God delights in answering our prayers . John 14:13,14 God likes it w...


Hebrews 4:12 Revelation 8:4 Revelation 5:8 Prayer can be and should be intelligent. God's Word has an intelligence. God our Father, is the all wise God. When we pray to the all wise God we should pray intelligently. It's not every prayer that is acceptable to God. There are prayers that are wrongly prayed. The Bible says we can pray amiss. Prayer and God's Word should go together. God's Word gives our prayers spiritual intelligence! God's Word has an intelligence! God's Word is alive and creative! By intelligent prayer, I am referring to prayer that is living, prayer that is alive, prayer that is creative! Intelligent prayers are Kingdom prayers. Intelligent prayer is progressive prayer. Intelligent prayers are Kingdom minded prayer. Kingdom minded prayers are prayers that get God's attention. The fastest way to get anyone's attention is to discuss a topic or topics they are interested in with them. The moment you discuss issues of i...


Text : Proverbs 4:18 , Isaiah 11:1-3 God wishes for His sons and daughters to succeed in life. Just as a good earthly parent wants the progress, success and growth of his child, our heavenly Father wants our success and is pleased when we succeed. 3 John 2. This is scriptural, and the Bible has laid down principles and insights that will guarantee our success. This calls for us to cooperate with God. There are various forms of success and success is at different levels, what success means to one person is different to what it means to another individual. Success to a student, is different from what  success is for a politician. Success to a President of a nation may be different to the type of success a business C.E.O is seeking. Prosperity, whether financial, material, spiritual or regarding our health is part of success. God's will for us is all round success. All round success is succeeding at everything God wants us to succeed at. It is succeeding in all the areas ...

TRUE CHRISTIANITY (back to the basics) (Transcript)

Text: John 8:12 True Christianity is not about being stuck in a religious pit of the past. True Christianity is not having a religious spirit. True Christianity is not having a 'holier than thou attitude' True Christianity is not church traditions, true Christianity is not man made traditions of worship, man made traditions of living, doing things or acting. True Christianity is not about being rigid when it comes to methods, traditions, and ways of living. True Christianity is not necessarily dressing a certain way or acting pious before men. True Christianity is not necessarily making long prayers before people or screaming and shouting when praying. Matthew 6:7-8 True Christianity is not taking off our shoes when we are in church or dressing alike when we are in the midst of God's people. True Christianity is not having a uniform we all wear in church or on Sundays, for God is a God of diversity. Nature is manifold, everything God created reveals God's d...


TEXT : Colossians 1:13, Luke 17:20 God has a kingdom! The Kingdom of God is a realm, the environment and the system of God on the earth. God's Kingdom operates by knowledge. Matthew 13:11 In God's Kingdom what you know is what will work for you. Luke 8:10 Those who go the farthest in God's Kingdom are those who are knowledgeable. Matthew 4:1-11 What the Bible refers to as keys of the kingdom is knowledge. Matthew 16:19 God is a Spirit. John 4:24 So God's kingdom is a spiritual kingdom, the Lord Jesus alluded to this in John 18:36 So God's kingdom is a spiritual realm, where God operates from on the earth with physical impact. Daniel 2:44 Knowledge is very important in God's kingdom. Faith is one of the keys of the kingdom and it's hearing and receiving spiritual knowledge that builds faith in us. Romans 10:17 God's Kingdom is not meant to be a mystery to man for God has made valuable knowledge and insight about His Kingdom available- Revela...


Text:   1 Peter 2:9 Kingship didn't start from the physical realm, it started from the spirit realm. Revelation 1:6 Genesis 17:6 shows us that God is the maker of Kings! God has a Kingdom, so that makes God a King! The things we see here on earth are replicas or patterns of things that have been, things that exist in heaven. Psalm 111:2, Psalm 19:1-2 The same way we have royals, dynasties and kingdoms on earth, they have always existed in heaven. Exodus 22:28, Daniel 12:1, 2 Peter 2:10, Jude 1:9 Exodus 22:28- spiritual and physical authorities Daniel 12:1- spiritual dignitary God is the first king. God is a king because the concept of royalty is His idea. God is a king because it takes a king to produce and create other kings. God is a king because He has a kingdom and every kingdom is headed by a king. Psalm 47:78, 1 Samuel 12:12, Psalm 45:6 and Psalm 103:19 So true kingship, true royalty, started from the Spirit. For God is a Spirit.  John 4:24 In the spi...


Texts : Deuteronomy 3:22 & 1 Timothy 2:12 God is a fighter. When God has to fight to defend what He loves He will do so. May God fight for you! Gentleness is one of the fruits of the Spirit, and we should be gentle just like the lamb of God was. Jesus was the lamb of God who remained gentle unto obedience, even the obedience of the cross, but at the same time He is the lion of the tribe of Judah who fights for His people. Spiritual warfare exists. Colosians 2:15, 2 Timothy 4:18 What we commonly call spiritual warfare is actually a battle between two kingdoms. There are three major kingdoms the Bible identifies: 1) The Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 4:20) 2) The Kingdom of Satan (Matthew 12:26) 3) The Kingdom of this world (Revelation 11:15) The Kingdom of this world is the Kingdom God gave to man which Adam lost to Satan's control (Psalm 115:16, Genesis 1:26-31) The battle is largely between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Satan's kingdom is a ki...


Text : Ephesians 6:11-13 There is spiritual warfare, it's real and the Bible confirms this. Many things we see in this physical realm reveals what happens in the spiritual realm. If there are battles in the physical dimension, they exist in the spiritual dimension. We see wars in this physical realm, and there are wars in the spiritual realm to. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 attests to spiritual warfare. The first war started in heaven, and it is the 'mother' of all other wars we have today, both physical and spiritual wars. If this war didn't happen, spiritual and physical wars won't exist today! Revelation 12:7-9 Lucifer, the anointed angel, a cherub, kick started the first war, which led to the loss of his glory and position in heaven. Ezekiel 28:14-17 The war Lucifer, who is now known as Satan started has brought humanity into a battle she did not foresee or ask for. While Eve was ignorant that there was an enemy, which means a potential battle, she was dec...