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Your Axe head Will Float

  2 Kings 6:1-7 Our text passage informs of an interesting occurrence that happened during the days of the prophet Elisha. At this time the prophet Elisha was heading the school of prophets, a position he assumed after his spiritual father in ministry the Prophet Elijah has been caught up to heaven in a chariot of fire. Elisha was out with the sons of the prophets (young prophets from the prophetic school under his tutelage) to gather logs of wood so as to build a larger residence for them to stay in. While chopping down trees, one of his young prophets lost the axe head from the axe he had borrowed. Disappointment, shame, and having to explanation the unfortunate circumstance to the owner of the axe seemed to loom ahead of this son of the prophet. As our text passage reveals, all hope was not lost, the axe head dropped by the prophet in training under Elisha's tutelage floats to the surface of the Jordan river where it had dropped and sunk, that is a miracle! On a regular day, goi...
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Your Camels Are Coming!

Genesis  24:9,10 Our text passage informs us Eliezer the senior servant of Abraham left for the region Abraham was from with ten camels for the purpose of getting Isaac (Abraham's heir) what was needed at the time in Isaac's life, a wife. Camels in scriptures represent what God uses to convey your needs, wants or miracles to you. Camels in the Bible represent supplies and provision. Camels in Bible times were used for business and transportation, they are still used for such purposes today in certain parts of the world. The title of this message is prophetic. Your camels are coming is a prophetic declaration and decree that God will supply all your needs and make provision for all your wants according to His will. A good wife was a need in Isaac's life when the camels came, on top of one of the camels was Rebeccah the lady who would become his wife. Through a miracle process, Isaac's need for a wife was supplied and she arrived on a camel. Genesis 24:61-64 Your own nee...

You Shall Rise!

Luke 2:25-34  When Jesus was being christened in the temple according to Jewish custom, a prophecy went forth concerning him from a holy man called Simeon. The birth of Jesus Christ is for the fall of many and the rise of many, our text passage shows this, it was part of the prophecy spoken over baby Jesus. Every word spoken over Jesus that day played out in His life. A part of that prophecy informs "he shall be a sign spoken against" This meant many people will be offended by Jesus, He would be contradicted and misunderstood. This is the reason many fall because of Jesus Christ. You can win against the Lord, to be offended with Jesus Christ is the beginning of your downward spiral. Till today, there are many who are offended at Jesus Christ, the mention of His name and His church. The offense of men was part of the strategy of Satan to destroy Jesus which played into God's plan. You have to choose which side of Jesus's prophecy you will fulfil- whether to rise throug...

Protect Your Star

 Matthew 2:1-9 Every human being is born with a star. Like Jesus you have a heavenly presence/body. Your star is your heavenly presence, your heavenly body, your astral and spiritual presence. Your star can be read. We see from our text message showing Jesus's earliest years on this earthly plane that the Star of Jesus which is also called the Star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky and wise men from the East (star gazers, astronomers, star readers) followed the Star to Jesus's location to bless Him with gifts and worship Him. The wise men followed the Star and it's not because they had nothing better to do or the Star had cast a spell on them. They followed the Star because they were reading the Star. Matthew 2:1-2 They studied the star and read it for two whole years until they got to where Jesus was, by the time they got to where Jesus was they had gathered enough information to know Jesus was no ordinary man but the Savior of the world, God in human flesh. This is why the...

Faith & The Acceptable Of God

  Romans 12:2 Our text passage encourages us to renew our minds. We renew our minds through scriptural, Biblical meditation. The outcome of that is a changed/renewed mind and faith. Faith comes and is developed within us through the word of God. Faith is so important in life. Faith is acceptable before God and brings us into the acceptable and perfect timing of God for us, which is good. The scriptures informs us about the acceptable will of God, the acceptable time, acceptable giving, being accepted as a beloved, an acceptable moment of answered prayer, acceptable offerings and sacrifices, the fast God accepts etc We are building in life with every choice and decision we make. Matthew 7:24-27 Faith helps us build in a way that is acceptable to God. Many people spend their time building their careers, they spend their years getting an education, they spend their days earning money, and their focus on growing a family which are not bad things. They all require dedication. Those who ...

The Strangers Voice

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Find Yourself

 Matthew 10:39 One of life's great tragedies is living on this earth and departing from this earth never discovering who you are. You owe it to yourself and those your life is meant to be a blessing to, to find out who you are. You owe it to yourself and those your life is meant to be a blessing to, to find out who you are. There are many people who don't know who they are. Luke 9:55 People who don't know who they are do things anyhow, and end up anyhow. This is why you need to find yourself! Knowing who you are will positively affect your outlook to life, your choices, decisions, and associations. If you know who you are it will be very hard for you to waste your life. Knowing who you are means you know who God created you to be. Who you are is who God says you are. Matthew 16:18 You find yourself by discovering what God's word says about you. As you believe what God's word says about you, you will begin to act it out and live it out. The Bible contains promises, r...