Revelation 12:17 Spiritual warfare is an aspect of life. It can be inherited and for some people it starts in the womb. Spiritual warfare can also choose a person/people. Winning in life and through eternity is not by human power. There are battles that are beyond us. There are battles we cannot win if God doesn't help us. There are battles we cannot tackle if not for divine intervention. There are battles that have a head start on our lives because the enemy and enemies we are dealing with are beyond mere human beings, they are ancient, generational spirits. These are forces that have been around, walked this earth and have transverse the heavens long before we were born, long before we were aware of ourselves, or the fact fact there's a battle on our hands. Jabeez was an individual who found himself living unfortunately, until God intervened; giving him a change of story after he prayed. Jabeez's warfare started from birth, perhaps in the womb. 1 Chronicles 4:9,10 How do...
Ephesians 3:20 Our text scripture passage shows us there is a power at work in the sons of God, the believer. May we know this power and may we use it. May this power come alive in us and rise up within us. The power within us is God given, it's from God and it is meant to be used. God would have us do exploits and accomplish wonderful things to His glory. When I meditate on our text passage big things come to mind, increase comes to mind, marvelous things come to mind as what God wants to do through us. Marvelous things are achievements or happenings that are beyond what men can think or imagine, they are wonderful happenings. Our passage says God will work with the power at work within us to do exceedingly (this refers to largeness and big sizes) God will do abundantly (this is multiplication or increase) He will do above all we ask (more than we ask for in prayer) He will also do more than we think (more than we can imagine , meditate, or visualize) God will do all these things...