Isaiah 43:19 God is a God of the miraculous. God is a God of all possibilities. God can and is able to work a miracle at a moment in time. With God, all things are possible. Luke 1:37 That a thing is not possible with man doesn't mean it's impossible with God. Matthew 19:26 Where a matter ends with man, God may just be getting started with it. God is not bound by man's chronological time. God is not confined to time but He can work in time. That it is a last minute situation for you doesn't mean God cannot come through for you. We see that God often saves the best for last. John 2:9,10 That it is the last day of the year, the last Sunday of the year, the last Month of the year, the last chance to seize that opportunity or the last day to pay up doesn't mean God won't come through for you. That it looks tough doesn't mean God won't make a way. God may not always seem early to you but He is never late. The children of Israel looked to ...