Genesis 2:7
When God breathes into a thing, life comes into that thing.
Ezekiel 37:4
The breath of God will bring fresh life into your body, soul, spirit, finances, marriage and every area of your life.
With the breath of God comes inspiration, wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
The word breath in Genesis 2:7 is from the Hebrew word ruah which means breath or spirit.
When God breathed into Adam, life entered Adam.
When God breathed into Adam, God's Spirit entered Adam.
The breath of God is the Spirit of God
If there's any area of our lives where things have been stagnant, difficult, malfunctioning or experiencing death, what we need is to ask God to breath into such areas.
2 Corinthians 3:6
God's Spirit is a life giving spirit.
When God breathes into a ministry there will be order, growth and beauty in that ministry.
When God breathes into a business there will be productivity, fruitfulness, and profit in that business.
When God breathes upon a mind, that mind becomes the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is full of wisdom, light and understanding.
Life is the reason there is growth.
Whatever is dead cannot grow.
Since God's breath brings life, God's Spirit brings growth.
God's breath will bring growth and increase.
There's revelation, insight, and soundness that comes with the breath of God.
Adam, the first man had the breath of God sustaining him.
He was full of God's wisdom and revelation that's why he could give the woman her identity and he could name all the animals God created.
Genesis 2:23
Genesis 2:20
The Holy Spirit or the breath of God is our ruach hakodesh which is the indwelling revelation of the Divine presence or Shekinah.
Everyone who is in Christ Jesus has the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, the life giving Spirit, the Divine Presence or Shekinah of God within them.
Olutosin shares this message.
When God breathes into a thing, life comes into that thing.
Ezekiel 37:4
The breath of God will bring fresh life into your body, soul, spirit, finances, marriage and every area of your life.
With the breath of God comes inspiration, wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
The word breath in Genesis 2:7 is from the Hebrew word ruah which means breath or spirit.
When God breathed into Adam, life entered Adam.
When God breathed into Adam, God's Spirit entered Adam.
The breath of God is the Spirit of God
If there's any area of our lives where things have been stagnant, difficult, malfunctioning or experiencing death, what we need is to ask God to breath into such areas.
2 Corinthians 3:6
God's Spirit is a life giving spirit.
When God breathes into a ministry there will be order, growth and beauty in that ministry.
When God breathes into a business there will be productivity, fruitfulness, and profit in that business.
When God breathes upon a mind, that mind becomes the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is full of wisdom, light and understanding.
Life is the reason there is growth.
Whatever is dead cannot grow.
Since God's breath brings life, God's Spirit brings growth.
God's breath will bring growth and increase.
There's revelation, insight, and soundness that comes with the breath of God.
Adam, the first man had the breath of God sustaining him.
He was full of God's wisdom and revelation that's why he could give the woman her identity and he could name all the animals God created.
Genesis 2:23
Genesis 2:20
The Holy Spirit or the breath of God is our ruach hakodesh which is the indwelling revelation of the Divine presence or Shekinah.
Everyone who is in Christ Jesus has the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, the life giving Spirit, the Divine Presence or Shekinah of God within them.
Olutosin shares this message.
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