2 Kings 2:10
Elisha, like many of us wanted something God alone can make happen for him.
He wanted something that was hard to achieve but not impossible.
That it's hard does not make it impossible.
The things you want from God may be impossible for man to do for you, it may seem impossible considering your circumstance or situation but it does not mean it's not achievable with God.
When God's Spirit is moving, when God's Spirit is at work, all things are possible.
Genesis 1:2
John 3:8
The things we want from God are not impossible for us to have, the issue lyes more in the fact that we can't see ourselves having what we want from God.
Spiritual blindness is a great disadvantage.
Matthew 15:14
What you see matters.
It is God's will that we have spiritual sight.
Genesis 13:15
It is God's will that the eyes of our understanding is open.
Ephesians 1:18
What Elisha wanted from God was not impossible.
Though it was a hard thing he asked, if he could see something - Elijah's departure, he can have what he asked for.
2 Kings 2:10
This shows us that the law of sight is very important when trying to access the supernatural.
The law of sight is very important when trying to access and receive the impossible.
The law of sight will work for you.
Can you see yourself having what you are asking God for?
Like Elisha you will have what you're asking God for if you can see yourself having what you pray for.
Let your imagination work!
Visualize and imagine yourself having what you believe God will do for you.
Imagine the fulfillment of God's blessings and promises in your life.
Prayer is a spiritual law and so is our spiritual sight.
Prayer is important, but what we see is also as important.
Both are spiritual laws that should work for us.
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching.
Elisha, like many of us wanted something God alone can make happen for him.
He wanted something that was hard to achieve but not impossible.
That it's hard does not make it impossible.
The things you want from God may be impossible for man to do for you, it may seem impossible considering your circumstance or situation but it does not mean it's not achievable with God.
When God's Spirit is moving, when God's Spirit is at work, all things are possible.
Genesis 1:2
John 3:8
The things we want from God are not impossible for us to have, the issue lyes more in the fact that we can't see ourselves having what we want from God.
Spiritual blindness is a great disadvantage.
Matthew 15:14
What you see matters.
It is God's will that we have spiritual sight.
Genesis 13:15
It is God's will that the eyes of our understanding is open.
Ephesians 1:18
What Elisha wanted from God was not impossible.
Though it was a hard thing he asked, if he could see something - Elijah's departure, he can have what he asked for.
2 Kings 2:10
This shows us that the law of sight is very important when trying to access the supernatural.
The law of sight is very important when trying to access and receive the impossible.
The law of sight will work for you.
Can you see yourself having what you are asking God for?
Like Elisha you will have what you're asking God for if you can see yourself having what you pray for.
Let your imagination work!
Visualize and imagine yourself having what you believe God will do for you.
Imagine the fulfillment of God's blessings and promises in your life.
Prayer is a spiritual law and so is our spiritual sight.
Prayer is important, but what we see is also as important.
Both are spiritual laws that should work for us.
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching.
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