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Isaiah 40:31
Isaiah 60:8

In Isaiah 40:31, God's people are likened to eagles.
In Isaiah 60:8 we see that we take flight by light.

The eagle is a very fascinating bird.
The eagle is a royal, interesting and great bird.
No wonder countries like America, and even Nigeria use the eagle as a symbol.
The eagle is the master of the sky, a prince among birds with the greatest of qualities.
No wonder Jesus is likened to an eagle in scriptures. And no wonder the eagle is used as an icon by companies, kings, families and nations. Even football teams take up the name of the eagle.
Many of the qualities found in the eagle are the qualities in Jesus/God. Deuteronomy 32:9-12
And these are the qualities that should be found in the followers of Jesus to. Deuteronomy 32:13
The eagle is an exotic bird that's known for speed.

Blood is the fluid of life. Leviticus 17:14.
Our blood determines many things about us, it determines our nature, the quality of our health, and the Bible says that's where our life is.
Our DNA can also be known by our blood.
An eagle blooded person is a person who has a similar nature to an eagle.
By eagle blood I'm referring to a quality of life and being that makes a person soar like an eagle spiritually.
This is what Jesus shed His blood for. That we His followers may take on His nature which has parallels to what we see with eagles. John 3:6
The finest qualities should be seen among and found in followers of Jesus, just the same way the finest qualities among birds are found in the eagle.
If the great qualities of the eagle is found or seen in you, then you are eagle blooded. For Jesus is the great eagle.

What are the qualities of an eagle blooded person?

1) VISION- vision refers to sight. It refers to having a dream, because your dream is your vision of your tomorrow.
To have a vision is to also have foresight.
The eagle has very 'sharp' eyes, with the ability to see it's prey many miles away. Because of it's elevated position it has a better view than other birds in the sky, so it sees opportunities for food and survival.
People who 'see' stand a better chance of recognizing opportunities.
If you have a dream, you will recognize opportunities and be on the look out for opportunities to fulfill the dreams in your heart.

2) SMART/ INTELLIGENT- BECAUSE THE EAGLE DOESN'T EXERT AS MUCH ENERGY AS OTHER BIRDS WHEN IT FLIES. The eagle rises higher than other birds with less energy.
The eagle rises on the currents of the wind by stretching out it's wings without flapping those wings like other birds.
The eagle stays up in mountain regions where it lays it's eggs and prepares it's nest and has the advantage of height. When other birds rush to fly in the morning, the eagle waits for the rays of the sun as it's signal before it flies.
The rays of the sun are evidence the wind currents are ready to help her glide higher than all the birds that started the race before her.

It fights courageously and ferociously for what it wants. It fights courageously for it's food, and to protect it's family. Deuteronomy 32:11
It also takes courage to aim higher than other birds.
The eagle aims and flies higher than other birds, to heights which other birds see as impossible or don't have the courage to attempt.
It takes courage to stand for what we believe.

4) SPEED - speed is one of the superior qualities of eagles. Speed is one of it's survival skills.
Job 9:26, 2 Samuel 1:23

5) RENEWAL:the eagle knows when to rest and expose itself to treatment.
Just like the eagle, Jesus knew when to rest.
As followers of the great eagle, we must know when to rest. Psalm 103:5

6) LOCATION THAT'S CHOICE: EAGLES ARE NOT SEEN EVERYWHERE. A true child of God cannot and should not be everywhere.
Eagles are found in choice regions, high places. On the highest and strongest of trees.
They are found in mountain regions.
They makes their nest in mountains. Job 39:27
Zion is the mountain of God's people, where we should always be seen. Zion is the assembly of God's people Zion is the church. Zion is a choice location for God's people, God's eagles.
Jesus was usually in the assembly where God's Word is being taught

7) UNIQUE SOUND: There is a type of sound, a shriek that eagles and birds from the eagle family make that's unique to them. You can't mistake it for the sound of a crow, pigeon, raven or dove.
God's children should be known for the sound they make, the sound of speaking God's Word.
John 3:8

Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher Pastor taught this message. London, UK


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