Matthew 3:1-3
We see from our text passage that John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord.
It was by the Spirit that John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord.
For he had the Holy Spirit from birth as the angel Gabriel had announced before his birth.
Luke 1:11-15
The Holy Spirit's ministry and presence is essential for effectiveness and impact in life and eternity.
The Holy Spirit can also help us in our life preparations.
As we journey through life we will need to prepare for things at different stages and phases of our lives.
The presence of the Holy Spirit can help us prepare in in every area of life.
He helped Daniel with wisdom, He was the Spirit known in Daniel as "the spirit of the gods" as mentioned by the Babylonians.
Daniel 5:11,12
Through the Spirit of God Daniel was able to prepare to stand before king Nebuchadenezzer successfully.
When Hadassah, known as Queen Esther was preparing to stand before king Xerxes (Ahazerus) of the Persian empire she went through a period of preparation where she she was immersing herself in oils, perfumes, and myrrh. She prepared for six Months.
Esther 2:12
Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit according to the scriptures.
1 Samuel 16:12,13
Hadassah's ritual preparation process is symbolic of preparing by the Spirit.
It's not surprising Hadassah/Esther stood out among the maidens of the land and ended up the king's choice and wife.
Esther 2:15-17
The various things we will have to prepare for in life- exams, presentations, interviews, tests, defenses, legal matters, business, ministry, marriage and various forms of service will require the Spirit's help and expertise if we want to stand out as the best.
The Apostle Paul had a God given mission to present the gospel before all men, the everyday individual and dignitaries and he was successful at all the had to do with the Spirit's help.
Joseph also stood before the Pharaoh successfully with the Pharaoh acknowledging the "wisdom" and "spirit" in Joseph. Joseph stood before Pharaoh by the Spirit of God! He had been prepared by the Spirit for that moment!
As Daniel, Queen Esther, and many others have been successful in their preparations by the Spirit, so should we.
The most important preparation of all is the preparation to see the Lord.
Matthew 24:42-44
The Spirit of the Lord helps us in this regard by reminding us of the return of the soon coming King- Jesus the Christ.
He prepares us by equipping us to do the things we should be doing before the Lord's return.
He prepares us by protecting us and directing us.
He prepares us by empowering us to live in righteousness, uprightness, and sanctification.
Without the Holy Spirit we will not make it when Jesus comes.
The Spirit upon and within us is our seal of redemption.
Ephesians 4:30
The Holy Spirit qualifies us to go with Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is the reason we will be caught up with Jesus!
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching message!
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