Matthew 6:33
Seeking God's kingdom is for our benefit and it's to God's glory.
When God's ministry is fulfilled through you, you will reflect His kingdom, His power, and His glory.
God wants to show off HIs kingdom through you.
Isaiah 61:3
The kingdom of God is God's pride.
The kingdom of God is a realm of great possibility.
It is God's realm and presence, it is where things happen.
All things are possible in God's kingdom.
Not only should you seek to be a citizen of God's kingdom, seek to maintain your favor from God's kingdom.
Seek to grow and continue to grow in the favor you have through Christ in His kingdom.
Luke 2:52
If the kingdom of God rules in your favor it will manifest in your earthly experience.
If the kingdom of God takes up your warfare you will manifest as a winner in your earthly battles.
Matthew 21:44
Many people don't seek the kingdom of God because they don't know it's worth/value.
Jesus made it clear it is the man who values the kingdom of God that will make sacrifices to have it and keep it.
Matthew 13:44-46
The kingdom of God is for those who value it.
Jesus came to earth from God's kingdom (His kingdom).
This is why He could teach about the kingdom using everyday life and the occupations of His day to explain and teach about the kingdom of God.
God's kingdom was so real to Jesus, it was Jesus's passion.
May God's kingdom be real to you.
The kingdom of God is not spoken of enough or taught enough today because many have not prioritized it.
The kingdom was the main message of Jesus the Christ.
Matthew 4:23
The kingdom of God is a realm where God's will is done and God's reign and authority is seen and acknowledged.
The teachings of the kingdom is good news to us because the kingdom of God opens up a world of possibilities to us, Jesus came propagating the kingdom of God on earth through His earthly ministry assignment as we see from Isaiah 61:1-3:
i. the poor on earth are rich in God's kingdom.
ii. the weak are strong in God's kingdom.
iii. the hopeless become hopeful in God's kingdom.
iv. negative experiences are converted to positive experiences in God's kingdom.
v. the oppressed are set free in God's kingdom.
vi. the broken hearted are mended in God's kingdom.
vii. our identity is converted to royalty.
viii. joy becomes the order of our lives.
ix. All things are made possible to us in the kingdom.
Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shares this message.
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