Hebrews 4:10,11
Divine rest is evidence of faith and belief at work in a persons life.
Living in a state of divine rest means worry, anxiety, hastiness, impatience and fear do not control you.
God gives rest.
Divine rest is God's will and you need the rest that God gives.
Nature is evidence living things need rest and refreshing, it is the way life is designed.
Your human nature shows you need rest.
Mark 6:31
God also showed us a pattern of rest after He was done with creation by resting on the seventh day.
Genesis 2:2
God's seventh day rest is a pattern for us and the plan of God, it's where the Sabbath day idea came from.
Our bodies are designed to rest after each day's physical and mental activity.
This is physical rest.
Failure to give our minds and bodies the rest it needs can lead to illness or a breakdown.
Just as we need rest physically and it also refreshes us mentally, we need spiritual/divine rest too.
Divine rest is the rest God gives.
Divine rest is a state of being.
Divine rest is a realm.
We can flourish through divine rest.
We are refreshed in the rest God gives.
Just as plants need certain conditions in place to flourish, so do we.
Plants need sunlight, good soil, water, and sometimes protection from pests and the removal of weeds as factors to grow properly.
We also require certain factors to flourish spiritually and in physical ways.
Divine rest is one of those factors we require to flourish well.
Jesus knew when to rest.
John 4:6
Divine rest is God's wish, way, and will for His people.
Divine rest is God's idea and wisdom.
Matthew 14:13
Divine rest helps us cease from human struggle and the unfruitful labors of the flesh.
Divine rest is evidence of faith and God's wisdom at work.
When we receive wisdom and understanding, we stop trying to control everything which reduces worry in our lives.
Wisdom helps us flow in perfect timing.
Wisdom demands we trust God, trusting God requires accepting His process.
We flourish by divine wisdom and divine wisdom brings rest.
Rest is associated with peace, calmness, being relaxed, gentle, free from worry.
Jesus shared a parable where He likened the kingdom of God to a seed a farmer put in the soil, the seed grew without the farmer toiling or worrying.
Mark 4:26,27
The farmer didn't have to know everything or have everything figured out, he simply did his part.
The farmer planted the seed, and nature along with the laws of seed time and harvest took effect.
The farmers attitude is one of rest and faith.
His outlook is one of divine rest.
This is the outlook and attitude God wants His people to have.
An outlook and attitude of divine rest which stems from confidence in God.
You don't have to know everything, or see everything.
God operates in ways and laws that are beyond us.
Do your part like the farmer did.
He did his part and was at rest.
And the results (kingdom) showed/manifested.
Rest is a way of the kingdom.
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching.
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