1 Timothy 4: 1, 2
The demonic is a very big part of activities going on in the earth in these end times, whether in an open way or secretly.
Demonic activity has always been on the earth since the days of Noah.
Satan has been on the earth since the time of Adam and Eve.
Genesis 3
Satanic and demonic activity has been happening on this earth for a very long time.
This is why it's not everything that happens on earth to people that's God's will.
If the will of God is automatic all of the time for each person, we would not need to pray God's will to be done on earth as our Lord taught us.
How can everything happening on earth be God's will, on a earth where demonic activity has been ongoing for many thousands upon thousands of years?
The will of God is something we should pray for, for ourselves, our family, our nation, and our world.
Matthew 6:10
The will of God is something we claim, pray, discover, and enforce.
You have a choice, and God entitles you to your right to choose.
The will of God can be chosen or rejected.
Joshua 24:15
The reason we pray for God's will is because Satan, fallen angels, and demons also have a will for you
Evil spirits also have a desire.
Luke 22:31,32
Satan's desire and will was to "shift Peter as wheat" but Jesus counteracted it through prayer.
Thank God the best intercessor was in Peter's corner, thank God Jesus knew, recognized, and chose God's will for Peter.
Satan is against God's will for our lives.
Satan's cohorts are against God's will for our lives whether they are human agents, or spirit agents.
John 10:10
There is an increase of the demonic in these end times and the reason is not far fetched.
The enemy's time is limited, as he runs to and fro over the earth , demonic activity increases.
Revelation 12:12
Demons know they have a limited amount of time to interfere in human affairs.
Matthew 8:29
They are aware a time of judgement awaits them. As that time draws near they panic and their activities increase on the earth.
1 Peter 5:8
The presence of demons on the earth affects both the spiritual and physical dimension of life.
Demonic spirits are behind false teachings and doctrines.
1 Timothy 4:1
Demonic spirits are the one's responsible for the deceptions of the end times.
Demonic spirits are the cause of many mental health issues.
Mark 5:1-15
Growing in our depth of God's Word, a true relationship with God's Spirit, and prayer is key to demonic freedom.
Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shares this message.
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