Matthew 5:14-16
God's people are called to be lights in a dark world.
In difficult, dark, perilous times which the world is in, we are meant to reflect God's light to the world.
You cannot give what you do not have.
2 Corinthians 8:12
If you are going to give or shine forth light, you have to have light or be light.
God's true children are the ones who have light and who are light.
We have light because we follow the true light.
John 8:12
With light we see, we have direction, and we are enlightened.
Light represents everything good, positive, divine.
It represents higher divine virtues.
Everything about God is light. God is light.
1 John 1:5
The Spirit of God is light.
Daniel 5:14
The Word of God is light.
John 1:1-5
The promises of God are light.
The path of the believer is likened to light.
Proverbs 4:18
The kingdom of God is a kingdom of light.
Colossians 1:13
Jesus Christ our king and savior is the light.
John 9:5
Eternal life which God gives us is light.
John 1:4
God wears light like a garment, God is surrounded in light.
Psalm 104:2
If we are from God's kingdom , if we are of God, if we are born of the Word, and if we have eternal life, we are light in a dark world.
Wisdom is associated with light.
Ecclesiastes 2:13
Light is associated with heaven, angels, fire, and the divine. Light is associated with royalty.
1 Peter 2:9
The will and desire of God is that men come out of darkness and into the kingdom of God.
God's will is that you should be a light in this dark world.
God's will is that you will have the light of life as you follow Jesus Christ.
Whoever has the light of life will not stumble through life.
Having God's light is a privilege we should all seize with any given opportunity.
A person in the light is a person who follows Jesus the Christ.
A person in the light is a man or woman who has been born of God.
An individual of the light can confidently call God his father, just as Jesus Christ calls God Father.
A person in the light is a person who will receive spiritual gifts from God his Father with which to make a difference in the world.
1 Corinthians 12
A person in light will have the fruits of God's Spirit forming in him/her.
Galatians 5:22
A person of the light walks in love as God his Father is love.
1 John 4:7,8
Salvation is light.
Salvation is the pathway to God.
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