2 Timothy 3: 16-17 This masterpiece we call the Bible is a product of inspiration. Inspiration is a major way God directs. Wisdom brings direction. Ecclesiastes 10:10 (KJV) Inspiration from God births wisdom. The Bible, which is a book that acts as a direction manual to Christians is a product of inspiration. Inspiration is from the breath of God which is God's Spirit. Job 27:3 Inspiration from God creates understanding in man. Job 32:8 When we have an understanding of what to do in each situation, direction automatically follows. It is God's will that His inspiration will flow out of His children resulting in wisdom, understanding and direction. John 7:38 This inspiration is what Jesus referred to as "rivers of living water" flowing out of us. As followers of Christ, a fountain of inspiration has been put in us by God which is from the Holy Spirit within us. It is not in every situation of life we will hear a voice from God speaking to us. There wil...