1 Samuel 17:1-14
There was a man named Ahithophel.
Ahithophel according to the Bible was a great and gifted man.
He was part of the great King David's inner circle and a personal advisor to the King.
Psalm 41:9
Psalm 55: 12-14
2 Samuel 15:12
Ahithophel was the kind of man any King would be privileged to have on his side.
Ahithophel was a great man because he had a great gift.
2 Samuel 16:23
Ahithophel had the gift of counsel.
Ahithophel had developed his gift so well, the Bible records that when he gave counsel, it was like God Himself telling you what to do.
Ahithophel was so accurate with his gift and David and Absalom consulted him.
Ahithophel was also the grandfather of Bathseba, the woman David committed adultery with.
2 Samuel 23:34, 2 Samuel 11:3
Since David killed his grand daughter's husband and took his grand daughter, Ahithophel turned against David.
Ahithophel decided to use his God given ability against David, he was close to destroying David but he failed because God was on David's side. 2 Samuel 16:20-23
Ahithophel was defeated because his counsel was rejected. The moment Absalom, David's son rejected his counsel, he knew he was on the loosing side.
Rather than facing King David in shame, he killed himself. 2 Samuel 17:23
The Ahithophel's of our lives can be defeated but the major lesson we learn from Ahithophel is that it is a dangerous thing to fight an anointed person.
King David was God's anointed. Psalm 105:15
Even Absalom with all his charisma and good looks died in the process when he turned against his Father. 2 Samuel 18:9-15
Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher- Pastor shared this message
There was a man named Ahithophel.
Ahithophel according to the Bible was a great and gifted man.
He was part of the great King David's inner circle and a personal advisor to the King.
Psalm 41:9
Psalm 55: 12-14
2 Samuel 15:12
Ahithophel was the kind of man any King would be privileged to have on his side.
Ahithophel was a great man because he had a great gift.
2 Samuel 16:23
Ahithophel had the gift of counsel.
Ahithophel had developed his gift so well, the Bible records that when he gave counsel, it was like God Himself telling you what to do.
Ahithophel was so accurate with his gift and David and Absalom consulted him.
Ahithophel was also the grandfather of Bathseba, the woman David committed adultery with.
2 Samuel 23:34, 2 Samuel 11:3
Since David killed his grand daughter's husband and took his grand daughter, Ahithophel turned against David.
Ahithophel decided to use his God given ability against David, he was close to destroying David but he failed because God was on David's side. 2 Samuel 16:20-23
Ahithophel was defeated because his counsel was rejected. The moment Absalom, David's son rejected his counsel, he knew he was on the loosing side.
Rather than facing King David in shame, he killed himself. 2 Samuel 17:23
The Ahithophel's of our lives can be defeated but the major lesson we learn from Ahithophel is that it is a dangerous thing to fight an anointed person.
King David was God's anointed. Psalm 105:15
Even Absalom with all his charisma and good looks died in the process when he turned against his Father. 2 Samuel 18:9-15
Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher- Pastor shared this message
Good teaching. God bless you