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Showing posts from February, 2025

The Power At Work In You

 Ephesians 3:20 Our text scripture passage shows us there is a power at work in the sons of God, the believer. May we know this power and may we use it. May this power come alive in us and rise up within us. The power within us is God given, it's from God and it is meant to be used. God would have us do exploits and accomplish wonderful things to His glory. When I meditate on our text passage big things come to mind, increase comes to mind, marvelous things come to mind as what God wants to do through us. Marvelous things are achievements or happenings that are beyond what men can think or imagine, they are wonderful happenings. Our passage says God will work with the power at work within us to do exceedingly (this refers to largeness and big sizes) God will do abundantly (this is multiplication or increase) He will do above all we ask (more than we ask for in prayer) He will also do more than we think (more than we can imagine , meditate, or visualize) God will do all these things...

Grace And The Second Coming Of Christ

 Genesis 6:1-8 Our text passage shows us Noah found grace with God in his day. That is why Noah and his family were not victims of the flood of his day which wiped out and destroyed a lot. As Noah needed grace in his time, we need grace for today. We need grace to be exempted from the evils and negativity of our time. It is by grace that we make it when Jesus comes back for His people, His church. This occurrence known as the second coming of Jesus Christ leads to the rapturing of the church/God's people. 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 Be reminded, Jesus is coming back! The second coming of Christ Jesus is an event that will change the course of this world in a way and on a scale that hasn't been seen before. It will change the course of events on this earth. After the departure of the church/people of God from the earth, there will be a season of three and a half years of prosperity and peace under the global leadership of the anti-Christ, this will be followed by another three and a...

Preparation By The Spirit

  Matthew 3:1-3 We see from our text passage that John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord. It was by the Spirit that John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord. For he had the Holy Spirit from birth as the angel Gabriel had announced before his birth. Luke 1:11-15 The Holy Spirit's ministry and presence is essential for effectiveness and impact in life and eternity. The Holy Spirit can also help us in our life preparations. As we journey through life we will need to prepare for things at different stages and phases of our lives. The presence of the Holy Spirit can help us prepare in in every area of life. He helped Daniel with wisdom, He was the Spirit  known in Daniel as "the spirit of the gods" as mentioned by the Babylonians. Daniel 5:11,12 Through the Spirit of God Daniel was able to prepare to stand before king Nebuchadenezzer successfully. When Hadassah, known as Queen Esther was preparing to stand before king Xerxes (Ahazerus) of the Persian empire she wen...

Kingdom Possibilities

 Matthew 6:33 Seeking God's kingdom is for our benefit and it's to God's glory. When God's ministry is fulfilled through you, you will reflect His kingdom, His power, and His glory. God wants to show off HIs kingdom through you. Isaiah 61:3 The kingdom of God is God's pride. The kingdom of God is a realm of great possibility. It is God's realm and presence, it is where things happen. All things are possible in God's kingdom. Not only should you seek to be a citizen of God's kingdom, seek to maintain your favor from God's kingdom. Seek to grow and continue to grow in the favor you have through Christ in His kingdom. Luke 2:52 If the kingdom of God rules in your favor it will manifest in your earthly experience. If the kingdom of God takes up your warfare you will manifest as a winner in your earthly battles. Matthew 21:44 Many people don't seek the kingdom of God because they don't know it's worth/value. Jesus made it clear it is the man w...