Numbers 21:5-10 If you look to Jesus Christ you will live. If you look to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross you will make it. Moses made a bronze serpent. Serpents represent wisdom. The Bible informs us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16 The bronze serpent Moses made was symbolic of Jesus being sacrificed on the cross. Moses made the bronze serpent and put it on a pole, he did so according to God's instruction. The serpent was made from bronze because bronze is symbolic of that which is hard and difficult, it refers to the hardship Jesus would face for our sake and the excruciating pain He would endure for our sakes. As the children of Israel received healing in the wilderness from fiery snake bites when they looked to the bronze serpent on the pole that Moses made, we also receive healing by looking to what Jesus did for us on the cross. Hebrews 12:2 The bronze serpent on a pole was God's medicinal remedy for the condition the children of Israel we...