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The Jesus Wine

 John 2:1-11

Our text passage reveals Jesus turning water into wine.

When we ponder on this we realize it is miraculous.

The timing was miraculous, the miracle happened just in time.

It happened at a good enough time to avoid embarrassment for the bridegroom.

Jesus is never late, and His miracles occur in perfect timing.

The wine Jesus produced came after after a first wine was served, it came last.

Jesus came to earth after Adam.

Adam was the first man to be made, Jesus is the last Adam.

We inherited an earthly nature from Adam, while we receive a divine/heavenly nature from Jesus Christ.

As the first wine at that wedding was not as sweet as the second wine which came from Jesus, our second nature produced in us by the Holy Spirit through salvation in Jesus Christ is sweeter than our first nature which we have received from Adam.

This second nature, this divine nature is what makes us the salt of the earth.

It gives us a new and better flavor.

In Christ Jesus our nature is made better.

God is a God who saves the best for last.

Jesus's changing water into wine is  supernatural, it's a miracle that is symbolic and prophetic.

Water and wine are two different types of liquid with separate constituents.

Water is a natural element of the earth while wine is from grapes.

In terms of coloration and taste they are different one from another, even as their uses are different from one another.

Water does not turn to wine naturally and wine does not turn to water.

No matter how long you store water it will not turn to wine, water will not ferment and taste like wine just because it has been stored for so long.

Wine does not become water either no matter how long you keep or store it.

The major thing water and wine have in common is that they are both liquids.

The 'nature' of water is different to the 'nature' of wine.

The nature of an earthy man is different from the nature a heavenly man has received.

One is of the earth, the other is from above.

One is limited to earthly laws while the other is has access to higher spiritual laws.

Jesus turning water into wine is a symbolic of ordinary people being given a divine nature by the operation of the Holy Spirit.

Water represents a multitude of people or nations of people.

Wine represents the Holy Spirit.

Every miracle Jesus manifested was done by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in Him.

Matthew 3:16

The wine Jesus produced or 'the Jesus wine' at the wedding in Cana of Galilee is miracle wine, it is supernatural wine, it is wine from a source that is not of this earth in the sense that it came through a heavenly Man and His divine Spirit.

The Jesus wine helped save the day at that wedding occasion that was almost going wrong.

In the same way, the Holy Spirit and His work of creating a new nature in us saves us not only on this earth but all through eternity.

The Jesus wine was superior and better than the earthly wine that was served first at the wedding Jesus attended, just as the heavenly man is above the earthly man.

1 Corinthians 15:47

John 3:31

The wine Jesus produced at wedding attracted commendation, when Jesus does a work in you, people will see it and glorify God.

The wine Jesus produced at that wedding shows God saves the best for last.

No matter how long it has taken for what you're trusting God for to manifest it will be worth your wait, it will not be late and it will be God's best to you.

The wine Jesus produced at the wedding is a product of God's touch and intervention on a matter.

When God intervenes in your matter, your testimony and miracles will give your life a new meaning.

Wine according to the scriptures represents the Holy Spirit, a divine deposit, and healing/treatment according to the Bible.

Wine is a useful drink to humanity.

We use wine as a cooking ingredient.

We use wine to treat wounds and sores.

Luke 10:34

Wine helps healing.

1 Timothy 5:23

Wine is used at the communion table.

Matthew 26:29

Wine was used as a drink offering.

Exodus 29:40

The usefulness of wine in our physical world is minimal compared to the spiritual usefulness of the Jesus wine- wine of the Spirit or Holy Spirit to us.

The Holy Spirit's presence and work in an individual is often represented by wine and oil.

Wine and oil have a number of similar uses.

Their similar usefulness reveals what the Holy Spirit does in a human life.

The Holy Spirit makes us glad.

The Holy Spirit blesses us.

The Holy Spirit perfects us.

The Holy Spirit heals us.

The Jesus wine to us today is the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 5:18

You are the carrier of the wine and oil of Jesus because your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit if you are in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 6:19

The wine and oil of the Spirit in you qualifies you for God's protection and preservation.

Revelation 6:6

Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching!


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