Isaiah 61:1
God has made soul healing available.
God heals our emotions, He's made provision for the healing of our souls.
He binds up the broken hearted, being broken hearted is an emotional matter.
The quality of our lives cannot be better than the state of our souls.
Your emotions is a part of your soul.
Your reasoning faculty, your mind is a part of your soul.
Your will is a part of your soul.
Your will is your ability to be determined, your resolve, the ability to make up your mind and stick with it.
A person's mental health whether good or bad is a reflection of the persons soul.
Your soul is essential to your salvation.
You believe the gospel through your soul- your ability to process information with your mind.
Romans 10:10
It is through our soul we feed and nourish our spirit man.
Your soul processes information which then reaches the spirit in you.
Human beings are made up of their spirit, soul and body.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
Our body cloths our soul and spirit.
Your body often follows the instructions from your soul.
Your soul is precious.
Mark 8:36
May God have mercy on our souls.
Romans 9:15
God wants us investing in our souls in positive ways.
Meditating on the word of God is an investment in your soul.
Your soul can be likened to the engine of your life.
What an engine is to a car is what the soul is to human life.
As the engine of a car needs servicing from time to time, the human soul needs to be renewed by the reading of the word.
Romans 12:2
The enemy is after the souls of men.
Jesus is the shepherd of the souls of as many as allow Him to be their Lord.
1 Peter 2:25
Shepherds guide, lead, direct, and protect the sheep.
Jesus protects our souls from the predators that want to devour them.
Colossians 2:14,15
The chief predator and enemy of your soul is Satan himself.
1 Peter 5:8
His cohorts- fallen angels, demons, and their human agents are also predators who try to capture our souls.
One of the ways Jesus protects your soul is through spiritual leadership.
Hebrews 13:7
God wants you whole emotionally.
Psalm 147:3
Any soul God has had mercy on will not be devoured by enemies.
The suffering and bruises of Jesus makes provision for our soul healing.
Isaiah 53:5
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching.
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