Psalm 32:8
You might be just an instruction away from your miracle.
You are an instruction away from your next level.
Your instruction from God is your personal covenant with God.
You need God's specific and unique instruction for your life.
The breakthrough you seek is preceded by a divine instruction.
David was given breakthroughs in warfare over the Philistines in the same chapter twice, but each breakthrough had a different instruction preceding it.
2 Samuel 5:17-25
God's instructions produce results.
God's instructions align us with God's will and purpose when followed through or obeyed.
God's instructions may not make sense to the carnal mind.
1 Corinthians 2:14
God's instructions can be unusual or even seem strange.
There is a purpose, a result, a manifestation, an aligning, or message the instructions of God are meant to produce.
God instructed one of His prophets (Hosea) to marry a loose woman, perhaps a prostitute (Gomer) who turned out to be unfaithful to her husband prophet Hosea.
Hosea 1:2
It was a strange and unusual instruction, but there was a purpose and message to it.
God's strange instruction to Abraham to kill his own son (Isaac) after journeying for three days to Mount Moriah brought Abraham to a higher level of blessing.
Genesis 22:1-18
God's instruction didn't grant Samson the liberty of drinking alcohol or cutting his hair.
This instruction was specific and uniquely for Samson.
Samson's hair was weaved into seven locks.
Seven is the number of Jesus Christ, it is the number of perfection.
Revelation 1:16
The locks were the point of contact for the anointing (spirit of might) on Samson's life.
Judges 13:1-14, Judges 16:13
Isaac is another character in the Bible who benefitted from God's instruction.
God's instruction to Isaac was for Isaac to remain in Gerar at a time of famine, a time when there was no rain, a time people were not planting but running away to Egypt.
It was at such a time God told him to sojourn in Gerar and plant.
The result was a 100 fold return in 1 year, blessings, and greatness.
Genesis 26:1-17
The instructions of God when followed can bring you into a new season, for God makes things new.
Revelation 21:5
God's instructions are part of His guidance.
If God is instructing you, no matter how unusual, illogical, or strange the instruction maybe, consider yourself blessed.
It was an unusual instruction from God that brought down the walls of Jericho.
Joshua 6:1-20
God's power follows God's instructions.
An instruction from God can lift you up from the dunghill and set you up among princes if followed.
Psalm 113:7,8
God's instruction through prophet Elijah to the widow of Zarephath made the prophetic word work to sustain her, her son, and Elijah through famine as she obeyed the instruction.
1 Kings 17:9-15
Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shares this teaching.
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