1 John 5:4
God wants us to live victorious lives.
Faith is your victory.
Faith delivers victory to anyone who operates it.
The victory of God's sons and daughters glorifies God.
Your victory will make people praise God on our behalf.
We are created to glorify God.
Isaiah 49:3
Since our victory glorifies God, then victory is God's will for you.
Deuteronomy 20:4
God wants to work through you.
God wants to achieve good and great things through you.
God wants to work out new victories through you.
Philippians 2:13
A new victory can be victory over an issue, a long standing problem, a circumstance, or habit you had never overcome before.
A new victory can be an achievement you or no one in your family, community, state, or country had achieved before which God gives you the grace to achieve.
May God grant you a new victory!
A new victory maybe spiritual, physical, financial, marital, career, or in ministry areas,
Victory can happen for you in any area of life.
God has a new victory for you.
God's thought towards you are good.
Jeremiah 29:11
God's word is full of promises for our victory.
God's Spirit is available to help us unto victory.
John 14:26
God is ever present to help us as He has helped others before us.
An example of a man God helped is King Asa.
2 Chronicles 14:7-14
God's ears are ever attentive to hear our prayers for help and victory.
The price has been paid for us to have victory over sin.
1 John 3:8
The price has been paid for us to have victory over sickness and disease through faith in Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 53:5
The price has been paid for our victory over demons, fallen angels, and agents of darkness.
James 4:7
Grace has been released from God's kingdom for us not to be defeated.
We do not need to be defeated or overcome by sin any longer.
Romans 6:14
The mind of Christ can be formed and developed in us for victory.
1 Corinthians 2:16
You can have victory in your calling, ministry, career, finances, academics, and personal life by the mind of Christ.
The mind of Christ gives wisdom and victory.
Jesus has been made unto us as wisdom. He is our wisdom and He is called wisdom.
You can connect to the mind of Christ for good ideas and winning thoughts that bring victory.
Proverbs 8:12
May God raise your hand in victory in this season.
Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shares this message!
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