Psalm 128
The text passage above shows us the kind of blessing that those with the fear of the Lord are entitled to.
That God wants you fulfilled, happy, and successful is clear throughout scripture.
You have to believe that God wants you successful if you are going to manifest the God glorifying type of success in your life.
There is godly success.
Psalm 1
There is also success that does not glorify God.
Many people don't manifest godly success in their lives for many reasons, but impatience is a major reason,
It takes patience to walk with God and wait for His time.
Hebrews 6:12
God is a God of timing and order.
Greed is another reason many don't manifest godly success in their life. When opportunities to be seen and make money come their way even if it's in an evil and dubious way, they seize it.
Satan tempted Jesus with the glories of this world, he showed Jesus the best of everything this world had to offer but Jesus didn't fall for that temptation.
Satan was ready to offer Jesus the glory of this world in exchange for Jesus's worship!
Jesus as a man of flesh could have sold out to the devil in exchange for the glories of this world.
Jesus would have had everything in exchange for His soul.
What does it profit us to have everything the heart can desire in this life and end up going to hell or have Satan as our boss?
Mark 8:36
Whoever we worship is our lord, our boss, and our god, whether that is Satan or Jehovah.
There are many who are regarded as successful by this world's standards who have sold out to Satan for a earthly kind of success.
There is a kind of success that does not require selling out to the enemy to attain it
This success answers to the blessing of God. This type of success comes with peace, not with sorrow.
Proverbs 10:22
It is the kind of success that gives fulfillment in all aspects of an individual's life.
This kind of success stays with you and in your family/lineage.
1 Kings 9:5
This type of success answers to the promises of God and the covenant of God with an individual.
Diligence and patience is the price tag of this type of success.
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this message.
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