1 Corinthians 13:11
God doesn't want us to remain little children, He wants us to mature into sonship.
God's will is that we mature in Christ Jesus and not remain babes in Christ Jesus.
1 Corinthians 3:1, 2
God's will is that we grow in the Word and start feeding on the ''meat'' of God's Word and not remain babies who keep drinking the ''milk'' of God's Word.
Hebrews 5:12-14
Babies are cute, beautiful, gifts from God to the family they are born into. Their birth brings or should bring joy to their parents.
Despite this, no parent wants their baby to remain a baby forever no matter how lovely the child is at that stage of his/her life.
Parents want their children to grow up and mature.
As it is with earthly parents, so it is with our spiritual/heavenly Father.
Our heavenly Father wants us to grow up and become sons in the image of Jesus Christ that He is proud of.
Romans 8:29
There are benefits, opportunities, gifts and plans earthly parents may wish and want their child to receive which they can't give the child because their child is too young to value it, appreciate it, and enjoy those benefits. The child is not mature enough to handle those blessings. When the child has matured and grown that child can be given those blessings.
Galatians 4:1-3
The situation is the same with our heavenly Father.
He has a plan and an inheritance for you, but He requires you are mature enough to handle what He has for you so that it does not destroy you.
The prodigal son parable shows us the younger son didn't have the maturity to handle the inheritance his father gave him. It almost destroyed him.
Luke 15:13-15
Thank God he came to his senses after a difficult period, thank God he grew up emotionally and mentally and found his way back to his father.
Luke 15:17-20
God the Father is waiting patiently for His prodigal sons and daughters to come back home to Him. 2 Peter 3:9
Difficult times will demand your maturity.
To get through difficult times your spiritual, mental, and emotional maturity is required.
The prodigal son repented after he matured emotionally, and mentally, it got him out of his difficult situation and made him a man that's celebrated for his right decision. Luke 15:22-24
Repentance is a mature act, it is a mature decision.
Heaven can celebrate you today if you mature and repent by turning back to God.
Luke 15:10
Your spiritual, emotional, and mental maturity can see you through in these difficult times that have come upon the world.
It starts with the right decision of turning to God!
Olutosin, a Teacher-Pastor, and spiritual blogger shares this message.
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