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Prayer And The Courts Of Heaven

Psalm 82:1-4

Many things in the physical are similar to what exists in the Spirit realm.
God is the first judge. Isaiah 33:22
Heaven has it's own courts. Psalm 82:1
The judiciary system started from the spirit realm. It is God's idea.
God deliberates and makes decisions with Himself and other spirits in the courts of heaven concerning the happenings in the life of His children and in the world.

The final word (decree) comes from the courts of heaven.
Everything on earth and in heaven, in the physical realm and beneath the earth, aligns with the decrees of the courts of heaven.
Situations, circumstances, scenarios, humans, angels and all decisions align themselves with the decree of the courts of heaven irrespective of who likes it or not.

God is a just judge.
He is a just King. Proverbs 8:15
He decrees justice in the favour of His people from the courts of heaven.
If you need justice, if you need God's intervention, if you need vindication, if you need compensation or if you've been unfairly treated , you need to go to the courts of heaven.
Present your case at the courts of heaven.
You do this through prayer. Not just prayer, but prayer with understanding.
You present your petitions and requests to God with an understanding that God is a judge, the best and fairest judge there is.
You have to present your requests to God knowing God is a God who feels, senses, sees, understands and knows the truth.

The courts of heaven is where God's people get justice.
The court system of this world can be misinformed, partial, and can be deceived.
The court of heaven always rules fairly, righteously and truthfully.
It's a place where victory is established and decrees are made to bring about God's will and plan.
It is a place where vengeance is decreed for the saints. Isaiah 63:4
The courts of heaven responds to your prayers with irrevocable decrees. Proverbs 8:15

Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shared this message


  1. Blazing Skies
    by rlt






    God's Decretive Will
    by rlt

    Jesus died that men might live!
    his blood remissive for their sin
    his will decretive*
    "Your mine—repent!"

    The wind circles North South East West
    yet like the cloud that billows,
    we know not where it rests
    from whence it comes nor where it goes.

    Our worship is set in motion,
    our service in fear,
    out of love and devotion
    to the Champion we revere.

    *DECRETIVE - Simple def. "having the force of a decree; determining."

    God can make things happen by simple sovereign decree.

    For example, when God said,

    "Let there be light," and there was light (Ge 1:3) the literal Hebrew translation is "Light be! Light was!"

    It was a divine IMPERATIVE! A sovereign command. There was no choice in the matter, it wasn't a request or a grant of permission, it couldn't be ignored, deferred or delayed. The outcome was "determined," it was a done deal, the light had to come forth!

    Compare Acts 2:23:

    "Him [Jesus], being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God...."

    Decreed—'determinate'—by God not man "whose breath is in his nostrils." KJV slam dunks this one like none other translation.

    Or consider what is written about the miracles performed by Jesus and witnessed by the disciples (and others),

    "Never man spake like this man." (KJV again : )

    Dad and Mom can issue decrees to a non-compliant child till their blue in the face but ultimately all they can really do to bring about the desired result is to pray and hope for the best—"thy will be done." They cannot "decree" a change of behavior. ONLY GOD. We are not "little gods" as some teach and preach. We are not junior deities.

  2. Hello Richard Lee Terry,
    Thanks for your comment on this blog and article/transcript.
    Very poetic you must be.
    It is appreciated.
    Keep using that gift.
    God bless you.


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