2 Kings 6:1-7
Our text passage informs of an interesting occurrence that happened during the days of the prophet Elisha.
At this time the prophet Elisha was heading the school of prophets, a position he assumed after his spiritual father in ministry the Prophet Elijah has been caught up to heaven in a chariot of fire.
Elisha was out with the sons of the prophets (young prophets from the prophetic school under his tutelage) to gather logs of wood so as to build a larger residence for them to stay in.
While chopping down trees, one of his young prophets lost the axe head from the axe he had borrowed.
Disappointment, shame, and having to explanation the unfortunate circumstance to the owner of the axe seemed to loom ahead of this son of the prophet.
As our text passage reveals, all hope was not lost, the axe head dropped by the prophet in training under Elisha's tutelage floats to the surface of the Jordan river where it had dropped and sunk, that is a miracle!
On a regular day, going by natural laws and order, the head of an axe which is made of steel and heavy should not float on water.
When God is involved in a matter things do not have to follow a natural order.
The miraculous/supernatural does not often happen through natural means and a natural order.
The instructions and directions of God that lead to miracles are often ridiculous to the human mind.
God has ways of achieving things beyond the human mind, He has ways of doing that the human mind won't think of.
Psalm 103:7
The prophet Elisha took a stick/branch from one of the nearby trees and throws it into the water/river and the iron axe head floats to the surface of the water where it was retrieved.
The stick/branch represents Jesus Christ and the cross.
Jesus is called the Branch according to prophecy.
He is the branch from the stem of Jesse.
The cross is also called a tree.
The borrowed axe by a miracle had had it's missing/lost axe head restored, this saved the prophet in training an embarrassing situation with the axe owner.
Miracles as we see it in the Bible are for difficult, tough, and hard situations beyond man.
Miracles are released by God as solutions for problems, challenges, situations and circumstances that are beyond us.
Problems and difficulties precede miracles.
If you have problems, challenges and difficulties do not fear, it simply shows you are qualified for a miracle.
God uses miracles to save the day, He uses miracles to help us, He uses miracles to reverse natural laws so as to bring about His wish.
The axe head from our passage can represent a number of things:
i. your potency/effectiveness: the axe head is the potent part of an axe, when a axe head is lost the axe has become useless.
God's people are His battle axes.
Jeremiah 51:20
When your potency/effectiveness drowns in the waters and issues of life, you won't be as effective as you should be in life and for God.
Your axe head floating on water is your restoration, your miracle restoration.
May your potency and effectiveness that was lost be found and restored!
ii. your miracle deliverance: axe heads should not float on water.
People may not expect you to recover from a situation or battle, the enemy expected you to sink/drown in that problem but against all odds God delivered you by a miracle. He brought you out!
iii. a part of your life: an axe is not complete without its iron head.
A part of your life may have been 'cornered, stolen, attacked, sunk, made stuck, or badly affected' by the enemy.
In God/Christ we are complete.
Colossians 2:10
So, that aspect of your life that's missing, stolen, affected, or stuck can 'float' again and you are made whole and complete by God's miracle.
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching message!
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