Hebrews 11:38
Our text passage informs us about a category of people that the world was not worthy of, these are people who knew the Lord, had a relationship with the Lord, and were in covenant with God.
They were men and women of faith.
These are people who suffered for God.
The power of faith is real and it's a wonderful thing.
Faith helps us overcome in times of suffering.
Faith elevates us above the world and the schemes of men and spirits.
1 John 5:4
Faith puts us on a spiritual pedestal above the operations of the world.
I'm referring to faith in Jesus Christ, the God kind of faith.
This faith is victory, it's triumph and it's a winning card.
Faith may not exempt you from difficulty and suffering but it will ensure our victory in due time.
This faith pleases God and makes us valuable and worthy.
Hebrews 11:6
Not everyone recognizes this faith, not everyone values this faith or understands how it works.
The enemy attacks this kind of faith.
The enemy resists this kind of faith.
The enemy will throw everything at everyone who has this kind of faith.
Life's storms and battles come to people who are in faith.
Faith will raise you up above the machinations of Satan.
Faith makes you too good for this world.
The faith of God in you makes you too good for this carnal world.
People stand in faith because they have an understanding, it's this understanding that makes you stay in faith against all odds.
Hebrews 11:3
Faith teaches us something, it shows us something.
There is always something to learn and see from people in faith.
Faith affects every area of life from tangible things we see like creation to things which may be done in secret, the choices of our hearts like giving.
Hebrews 11:4
A man or woman in faith doesn't give up but keeps getting up because faith tries again, hopes again, believes again.
Proverbs 24:16
A man or woman in the God kind of faith is a righteous man for faith qualifies us for righteousness before God even as God declared Abraham righteous through faith.
Genesis 15:6
A righteous man is a man of faith and a friend of God.
James 2:23
Faith makes us righteous, it makes us friends of God, and it makes us worthy.
In Christ Jesus we are made righteous and worthy and faith is granted to us.
Nothing beats being a friend of God.
Nothing is better than being a part of God's kingdom family, nothing is better than being in God's camp by faith and being in faith.
It made many suffer, refusing to give up their faith but suffer for the cause of Christ and His gospel.
Value your faith.
Many have endured and persisted for the sake and cause of God, it made them worthy!
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching.
Powerful message. God bless you sir