Psalm 8 Everything God has created has its own mystery and purpose. Many things we've learnt in school, which science has taught us are non-living things are things that have life according to the Bible. The earth is a living planet and creation of God. The earth responds to God's voice and to the commands of the sons of God. The earth can help and fight for a person. Revelation 12:15,16 The wind is also a living thing. The four winds of the earth act as agents of God. Jeremiah 49:32 God's people, those born of the Spirit are likened to wind. John 3:8 Creation has life and glory. There is more than meets the eye to everything God has created. Human beings are created to have dominion over other creations of God. Psalm 8:6 We exercise dominion largely by our words. We should speak, declare, decree, and pray from a position of understanding. Kings speak and their words are carried out. Ecclesiastes 8:4 In Christ Jesus, we are people of the kingdom of God, spirit-kings of ro...