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The Waters Of Breakthrough!

 2 Samuel 5:20

Breakthrough, according to our text passage is likened to water.

David prevailed over his enemies the Philistines by the help of God, he likened that victory to God breaking out like a flood or powerful breach of water.

David likened his victory to a breakthrough of water.

Through David, God broke out on David's enemies!

There's no doubt that water is a very powerful element.

If you doubt it, visit a dam and witness the intensity with which water gushes.

Visit a beach and watch the power with which the waves of the water splashes unto the shore of the beach on a windy day.

David's victory was one that was spectacular in his own sight.

He said God gave him breakthrough (in warfare) that was like a breaking forth of water, it was like a powerful flow of water the way God broke out on David's enemies through David.

1 Chronicles 14:11

There are other passages in the scriptures that associate water with breakthrough, success, good fortune, fruitfulness, and prosperity.

In the Bible, our lives are likened to a garden.

A well watered garden is what God wants your life to be like.

Isaiah 58:11

Hagar found water at a time she and her son were going to die in the wilderness, God heard the cry of her son Ishmael and Hagar's eyes were opened to a well of water near her.

That well was a water of breakthrough to her and her son

Genesis 21:18-21

As a result of the well of water God opened Hagar's eyes too, she and her son survived and Ishmael became a great man.

The importance of water in life cannot be ignored or overemphasized.

To find water signifies good, to find water in the wilderness or desert is a breakthrough.

The covenant of blessing was with Isaac and he found water, wells of breakthrough each time his team dug for water.

Genesis 26:19-29

May you find 'water'

May God open your eyes to the waters of opportunities, favor, and breakthrough around you.

Isaac was so successful finding water to the point that king Abimelech and his men envied him, they tried to lay claim to the waters Isaac found, and they became ashamed and gave up on Isaac as he continued to find wells of water.

God gave Isaac waters of breakthrough.

Wells of water represent wealth, and generational blessings.

The woman at the well who encountered Jesus was drawing water  from a well that had been dug generations ago, a well that belonged to Abraham.

John 4:6-30

The Holy Spirit is a water of breakthrough within the believer.

John 7:38

This water flows out of the believer in the form of  inspiration (Job 32:8), wisdom (Proverbs 18:4), and joy (Isaiah 12:3-6)

Jesus Christ is the water of breakthrough.

He is the river of life that flows from the presence of the Father.

Revelation 22:1-3

He is the water of our refreshing, revival, restoration and redemption.

He is the water that puts out the fire of the enemy in our lives.

He is our source, the water who irrigates the garden of our life.

Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this teaching.


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