Zechariah 3:1-7
God is a God of newness.
It is God who makes all things new.
He is the one who can give anyone a new beginning.
That fact that God makes all things new is a faithful and truthful word.
Revelation 21:5
It is very likely that on this journey of life we are all on, there will be times we crave for something new, there will be times or seasons we desire a new beginning.
God wants you to have a new beginning.
2 Corinthians 5:17
We all wear clothes, our clothes cover our nakedness and can be used to identify us.
As our clothes wear out, we change them or shop for new clothes.
As it is in the physical, so it can be spiritually. Spiritually we can have a change of clothes.
God can and will change our spiritual garments.
Isaiah 61:3
The enemy knows the importance of our spiritual garments.
Our spiritual garments have a lot to do with our progress.
The garments we have on spiritually is part of the glory God has given to us.
The enemy can tamper with people's glory by putting negative garments on them.
Joshua the high priest had been afflicted with a negative spiritual garment, it wasn't until that garment was taken off that Joshua could function properly.
The filthy garment put on Joshua the high priest was to affect his calling and his destiny.
After the filthy garment had been removed Joshua was dressed in fine, pure garments.
Zechariah 3:4
The fine, pure garments will put Joshua on the right path.
Filthy garments are symbolic of sin.
Pure. fine garments are symbolic of salvation.
May God remove all filthy garments from our lives. Amen!
Joshua's new garments/clothes gave him a new authority and influence.
Zechariah 3:7
The new garment/clothes put on Joshua after God's angels removed the filthy garments would enable Joshua to take his position as a sent one.
Zechariah 3:2
Joshua would be empowered to take his position and walk the path of an angel which was his destiny!
Zechariah 3:7
Olutosin Ogunkolade, a Teacher-Pastor shares this message.
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