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Mark 9:35-37, Mark 4:30-32, John 3:3-7

The reason many people leave their country of origin for another country as immigrants is because they have a belief, they caught a dream, and they want to be in an environment or a nation where things work. So they move, hoping their dreams come true in another country.

America, among the nations of the earth, is a country associated with 'the dream'.
'The American Dream'
America, among the nations of the earth has the most millionaires in the world, many of them are immigrants or children of immigrants who have become nationalized citizens.
This is able to happen because America has a system in place that is very fair by human standards.
They operate the free enterprise system.
What has attracted many people to the U.S over the years is that they have 'packaged' themselves as the land or country of possibilities.
What this means is that if you are hardworking, have a talent or gift, you can rise in your chosen field and accomplish your dream.
The free enterprise system has produced men like Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg - founder of Face book, and Warren Buffet one of the world's riches men.
It means America's free enterprise system works.

However, America the land of dreams, free enterprise and entrepreneurs is in debt of trillions of dollars.
This great nation that has produced some of the greatest figures in our time is sliding into the same difficult circumstance other nations of the world are in.
This goes to show us our security is not in any nation of the earth.
Matthew 6:19-21
The Bible is full of people who were immigrants in other nations seeking greener pastures.
Men like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They got to other lands and territories and still saw famine there.

Our only security is found in the Kingdom of God's dear son.
Colossians 1:13
As the garden of Eden was a secure place for Adam and Eve, God's Kingdom is the secure place for His son's and daughters.
The garden of Eden was symbolic of God's Kingdom.
As God gave Eden to Adam by putting him there, God has given us the Kingdom by translating us there.
Genesis 2:15, Colossians 1:13

Good parents do not put their children in places where they are not safe.
So any where God who is the best parent puts us is where our security, prosperity and provision is.
Matthew 6:33

The Kingdom of God is the new land of dreams.
The Kingdom of God is the new nation of possibilities.
The Kingdom of God is the place where the system that truly works is operating.
The Kingdom of God is better than America.

America has financial issues right now, God's Kingdom has inexhaustible resources.
Philippians 4:19
If you are not American, you need a visa and the necessary financial requirement to live there.
God's Kingdom on the other hand has no barriers for you to get there, the price for the requirements of the Kingdom has already been paid for by Jesus Christ!
There is no limitation for you to be part of the Kingdom, while getting to the U.S has its barriers.

Every 4 or 8 years Americans change their leader.
If the leader is good, the country progresses, if their leader is bad, the country has issues. This is quiet unstable.
In God's Kingdom we have only one leader and he is competent, reliable, powerful, kind, sincere, loving, and successful. He doesn't change, so God's Kingdom is stable.
Isaiah 9:6

In America, healthcare is expensive. But in God's Kingdom, healing is available for all. It is the children's bread. There is no stress involved to receiving health in God's Kingdom, all you need is faith, it's paid for.
Matthew 15:25-28
In any nation of the world, all you have acquired materially can be stolen or tampered with.
In God's Kingdom all God gives you is safe!
2 Timothy 4:18

America's system and other countries are beginning to fail.
God's Kingdom and system can never fail you.
God's Kingdom operates by principles God Himself will never violate.
Those principles are reliable.
The day they change or fail, God has failed, God has become a liar.
Luke 18:29,30

In America and other nations of the world, because people don't know it all, a lot of money is spent on life coaches, self-help teachers, motivational speakers, financial mentorship e.t.c
All these fail at times.
In God's Kingdom, we have a helper, comforter and teacher who teaches us all things.
He is the holy Spirit and he never fails.
John 14:26
Not everyone who travels to the U.S and other nations of the world seeking greener pastures achieves their dream.
In God's Kingdom dreams and purposes are discovered, and are fulfilled because of God's love and our faithfulness to the Kingdom.
In God's kingdom you are sure to achieve the kingdom dream.
 1 Corinthians 3: 22-23

In nations of the world, not all the right people are rewarded for their service.
In God's Kingdom you are compensated beyond what you deserve.
Mark 10:29,30

Olutosin Ogunkolade is a Teacher Pastor. He teaches from London, UK


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