Romans 13:8 Proverbs 13:11 God wants it to be well with your finances but you have to know it. 3John 2. God wishes to bless your personal economy, but you, as a child of God needs to know it is part of God's will for you. Deuteronomy 28:1-13 The world we live in has it's own financial economic system. The world we live in has it's own way of bringing and creating wealth for those who line up to it's way of operating. The Kingdom of God also has it's own financial and economic system which sons and daughters of God need to operate to get the results in the area of money and economics that He wants them to get. Luke 16:8 Let's understand this, lack does not glorify God. On the other hand we are not supposed to feel guilty when we don't have money or when we have worked so hard and streams of income is not flowing in our direction. What we need to do is make up our minds not to be ignorant of what God wants us to have or be. We are here on earth to...