We are in perilous times, it's not surprising, the Bible did say such times will come and they are pointers to the end times we are in.
If there is any time we need the refreshing from God's presence, it is now!
That's why I welcome people to our assembly with the flyer above asking them to come for a time of refreshing in God's presence.
They need it, I need it, we all need it. If we don't find time to renew our minds and get refreshed in God's presence
It calls for great wisdom to answer the questions in my mind. I'm a deep thinker
I grew up around churches and ministries and I have always loved ministers of the gospel and the work of the Lord.
Perhaps I should, after all I am a Pastor myself. It's a godly attribute to love God's people and God's assembly of saints.
Hebrews 10:25
Anything I write that offends or seems a sensitive issue to some, should be received as thoughts coming from a minister of the gospel who who is dissatisfied with the way things are and the response of the body of Christ to issues, especially in my home country Nigeria.
I feel very sorry for those Chibok girls who were kidnapped by the extremist Islamic sect called Boko Haram and my heart goes out to their families.
What saddens me is that many ministers of the gospel who should be concerned about people and the society their ministries have prospered in have kept quiet on the issues that matter.
Are we ministers of the gospel just busy building our ministries or should I say 'empires' these days without any major concern for social issues and people around us?
In Acts 12, there is a story there about the clean and great deliverance of the Apostle Peter from prison by an angel sent from God, some believe this deliverance is perhaps the neatest in all of history so far. Without any effort the prison doors swung open and the chains fell off the hand of Peter and he was led by the angel to the house fellowship where prayer was going on for him.
The point I am making here is that the deliverance of Peter was powered by the prayers of the saints who prayed in that house fellowship, and the results were seen!
Compare that with today, the devil seems to be running helter skelter and the saints seem weak in stopping him on his tracks from wrecking havoc.
What one house fellowship achieved in Bible days, the church in Nigeria has not yet achieved or perhaps cared to achieve.
It's time to be more concerned and compassionate
It was one house fellowship that made the difference in Acts 12 as they prayed for Peter and an angel was released for his deliverance, now we have a lot of ministers and ministries praying but those girls and yet they have not been released. SOMETHING IS WRONG AND I KNOW IT'S NOT FROM GOD'S SIDE
The happenings in Nigeria proves that something is wrong somewhere and it isn't from God's side because He is a prayer answering God, what He has done for one, He can do for another.
If He did it for the Apostle Peter, He can do it for the Chibok girls held hostage in Nigeria.
It's time for the church of Jesus Christ to arise in power, glory and the strength of the Kingdom #ENOUGHISENOUGH
Boko Haram has proved to be a menace to the Nigerian society!
In His Highest grace,
Pastor 'Tosin
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