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The Kiss Of Heaven

 Psalm 85:10,11 A kiss can show love, it could be a romantic kiss, it can be a holy kiss (greeting), a sibling kiss, or a family kiss. 1 Peter 5:14, Romans 16:16, Songs of Solomon 1:2, Genesis 48:10, Genesis 29:13 In some countries and cultures, kissing on the cheek is a form of greeting. In some environments and families, it is their culture that family members kiss one another as a form of greeting and approval. A kiss can be a very beautiful gesture and act. It is evidence of friendliness. A kiss or kissing can also be an act of honor. Luke 7:45 Kisses are used to show affection, love, likeness, fondness, acceptance, and closeness. A kiss was used wrongly when Judas Iscariot used it to betray Jesus. Mark 14:14 The Songs Of Solomon is a romantic write up depicting the relationship Solomon had with one of his wives, a lady called the Shulammite woman. King Solomon and this lady loved each other very much, and had a great chemistry. They hang out and speak romantic words to one another
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