Hebrews 13:2 Our text passage encourages us to be good to people, for some have entertained angels as they showed hospitality to strangers, these strangers were angels unaware. When angels come to the earth they often come in unexpected ways and forms, sometimes angels walk among us in human form, our text passage confirms this. These messengers of God come as unlikely vessels. Treat people well, especially strangers. You never know, you just might entertain an angel one day. You are blessed if you end up showing kindness to angels of God. Jesus came to the earth as the Savior unaware to many people, He was an unlikely vessel. He didn't come to the earth the way the Jews thought their Messiah would come or should come. The Jews want and expect their Messiah to come from an aristocratic noble home, they didn't expect or want a savior born in a manger, they imagined a powerful and political savior who would rise, show leadership, probably lead the nation into battles and wars a