John 10:2-5 The stranger according to our text passage is the voice of the enemy. It is the voice of deception. It is the voice of the wicked one. John 8:44 An enemy is not an individual who wishes you well, your enemy is the one who wants to steal, kill, and destroy in your life. Satan is your enemy and he has a voice. John 10:10 His voice is in the earth today. You will find his voice in every sector of life- religion, philosophies, music, social media, mass media, new age beliefs, literature, traditions and customs. I John 5:19 Be careful who you listen to, be careful who you take advise from and be careful which advise you take. You can hear the right voice. Isaiah 30:21 There are many voices in the earth today, many of them won't lead you into God's best and plan for your life. Proverbs 14:12 Just as he deceived Eve of old, his tricks and gimmicks remain the same. 2 Corinthians 11:3 People who get deceived heard and believed the wrong voice. In the same way it is possible...