Matthew 24:13
Enduring for the right reason, the right person, or the right cause, brings about great rewards.
It takes courage and endurance to keep going when you have every reason to give up.
The times preceding the coming of the Lord which we are in will require your endurance.
The picture the Bible paints of the state of the world before the return of the Lord, which is what is playing out before us, is one of dark times.
From natural disasters to the state of men's hearts, men's actions, wars, and rumors of wars, many things are not encouraging about the state of our world.
Matthew 24
Daily, disturbing information which is not edifying fills our tabloids, social media space, and the news on radio and television.
You will need a daily dose of strength, and endurance to get through the times we are in.
Courage, strength, and endurance is available by God's Spirit, the Spirit of might.
Isaiah 11:2
The Holy Spirit supplies persistence, strength, courage, and endurance as the Spirit of might.
The Holy Spirit is the One who makes the endurance in the believer supernatural.
Life will be overwhelming and tough for many as we draw closer to the end of things as we have known it, this is already unfolding.
Endurance is so important, God rewards it.
Your endurance can qualify you for a crown.
As it gets 'darker' in the world, endurance will be an essential quality in these times.
Jesus made it clear there will be tribulation in this world.
John 16:33
God expects the ability to endure from His followers.
Your endurance is part of your strength.
Your endurance proves you have not given up.
If you give up in the day of adversity, it is because your strength is small.
Proverbs 24:10
A son of God is a soldier of God, endurance is a major quality associated with soldiers.
2 Timothy 2:3
Soldiers are tough, soldiers are rugged, soldiers endure.
There are times and seasons God expects you to endure.
The good news is that the Spirit is available in Christ Jesus to give you the needed supernatural endurance.
Job is a man who was ready to endure and go all the way with God.
He was a man who was ready to endure until his change comes.
His change eventually came.
His endurance and commitment to God was rewarded.
Focus is a quality that helps your endurance.
If you are focused, you will endure effectively.
We endure successfully when we understand our endurance attracts a reward.
Focus on the end result of what you're having to endure, the reward of your endurance.
Jesus could endure all He had to endure because He focused on the end result of joy and glory His endurance was producing.
Whatever you're enduring for doing what's right, for following God, and embracing God's will, will eventually bring you a reward.
God's will is for you to come into recovery and compensation.
1 Peter 5:10
The key is that you don't murmur or give up during your time of hardship or distress.
Endure with a spirit of thanksgiving to God.
1 Corinthians 10:10
Olutosin Ogunkolade shares this message.
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