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Showing posts from August, 2022

Supernatural Change

 2 Samuel 6:10-12 God brought a tangible, noticeable change to Obed-Edom and his household by blessing them as a result of His presence. In the presence of God there is blessing, the blessing manifests as a positive supernatural change! God knows the importance of a positive supernatural change in the life of people, His people, those who are connected to Him by the covenant of the blood of Jesus. Everyone needs a change every now and then. Change is a necessity for humanity, it is a need, a certainty, and part of God's program for you. Daniel 2:21 God has a positive change for you! God wants you to be hopeful in what has become a dark world. 1 Peter 3:15 A supernatural change from God is a positive thing. A positive change answers to a positive hope in God. Romans 4:18 A supernatural change answers to supernatural hope. A supernatural change answers to supernatural faith. Romans 4:3-5 A supernatural change answers to supernatural love. 1 John 4:16 God works with our hope, faith, a...

Supernatural Consciousness

 2 Kings 6:16-19 There is an entire realm of the supernatural many are not acquainted with. Jesus Christ is the root of believers. Supernatural is what our roots are as believers. Jesus is our door, our plug, our root to the supernatural. We need this consciousness. Without this consciousness, the supernatural doesn't work for us. There's a link between our identity and our supernatural life. Our identity has a lot to do with our consciousness. We need to be conscious of who we are in God. We need to be aware of our supernatural covenant connection to our supernatural God. The blood of Jesus gave us a new covenant with God, which is supernatural. 1 Corinthians 11:25 Knowing and being sure of our identity in God makes the supernatural life become normal for us. Gideon had a divine encounter that changed his identity. This led to a supernatural awareness of God's presence and might within Gideon to carry out his life's assignment. He moved from fear and doubt to confidenc...

Supernatural Weapons

 2 Corinthians 10:14 The believer is equipped with spiritual weapons, though not carnal or tangible physically their supernatural effect is not to be denied, they have tangible effects. That we weapons of our warfare are not seen with the physical eyes does not mean they are less effective than physical weapons. In most situations spiritual weapons do a cleaner, thorough, and more effective job than physical weapons. Spiritual weapons are powerful enough to pull down strongholds. Weapons are instruments of offense and defense we use for our protection and victory during battles. God in His wisdom knows the importance of weapons and He's equipped His people with supernatural weapons adequately. In the animal kingdom, animals have been given survival abilities by the Creator. It is usually an instinct to protect themselves or to hunt for food. Many of them have physical attributes that act as weapons. As it is with the physical, it is usually so in the spiritual. There are spiritual ...

Supernatural Skills

 Exodus 31:1-5 God gave Bezalel wisdom and creative skill for the building of the temple. This glorified God. Skills are necessary for all areas of life, they are essential for us to make the most of life. God is the giver of ability, know-how, expertise, and skill. He gave David skill on the battlefield, skill to play the harp, skill to write poems and psalms, God also gave King David leadership skills. God was the one who trained David. Psalm 144:1 God graces some people with manifold skills, David was one of them. David was a man of many attributes due to God gracing him with skills to function in many capacities. David functioned in the prophetic, he functioned as a priest, he functioned as a king, he functioned as a warrior, he functioned as a shepherd, and he functioned as a writer. David had skill as a nation builder, a unifier, and as a statesman. He was known as the sweet psalmist of Israel due to his skillful ability to compose and minister songs of worship to God. 2 Samu...