Matthew 25:5
Delays make people give up.
In the Bible passage above, we see all ten virgins slept when the bridge-groom delayed.
They were once all awake, all alert, and eager to run to the bridge-groom. But delay set in and took it's dangerous toll.
Thank God for five who was wise out of the ten, they could have also been unprepared and missed the bride-groom's arrival!
Their wisdom of being prepared by having extra oil compensated for their error of sleeping off.
The Bible makes it clear that there are forces of the enemy that can cause delay in a life.
Even angels can be delayed.
Daniel 10:11-13
The purpose of delay caused by the enemy is to defeat you, and rob you of your testimony.
Delay is often a lie and deception of the enemy meant to make you loose hope.
The enemy is glorified when you loose hope.
The enemy is happy when you cannot persist anymore in life and in the place of prayer.
When you stop being persistent when it comes to life and in the place of prayer, the enemy can cause delay and eventually defeat us in an area.
Luke 18:1
The delay caused by the enemy is an attempt to break your strength, frustrate you, and make you give up.
The enemy tries to tire us out by causing delay.
Unnecessary delays are not God's will, while there's a place for patience; delays are not God's will for us.
Delays can be the work of the enemy in most cases.
The will of God is that our hopes, desires, and dreams be fulfilled.
Proverbs 13:12
The unnecessary delays we experience in our lives is often from the spirit realm.
Any unnecessary delay we face is a strategy of the enemy to steal, kill, destroy in our lives.
John 10:10
The dangers of delay is that it can put us in messy and unfair situations which troubles our peace.
Delays can get us stuck.
Peace is the will of God for you.
Philippians 4:7
Unnecessary delays have to be tackled in prayer.
The spiritual realm is real.
It is a dimension that controls the physical.
There's a lot of activity in the spirit realm.
A major activity that goes on in the spirit realm is warfare.
Ephesians 6:12
There's a spiritual war going on between the forces of light and darkness, good and evil, the saints of God and the human agents of darkness, angels of God and fallen angels/demons.
There is warfare going on in the spirit realm over the lives, destiny, purposes, assignments, and blessings of humanity.
This is why you have to pray.
Matthew 6:5
Your prayer is an aspect of your warfare and a major way of determining your position in spiritual warfare.
Your prayer is your voice to God, and your voice towards the activities in the spirit realm.
Matthew 6:9
Your voice matters, let it be heard in the place of prayer.
Your prayers and persistence can tackle and overcome every evil attempt to cause delays in your life.
OLUTOSIN OGUNKOLADE, a teacher-pastor shares this message.
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