Psalm 32:7 Freedom is God's will for you. Often, freedom doesn't come easily. This is because the world system is decayed and the finger print of Satan is all over this world system. Psalm 74:20 The forces that are against the will of God on the earth resist people from being free. Satan and his cohorts are those forces. Satan is not in hell, demons are not in hell, fallen angels are not in hell, they are all on earth and have constituted themselves a nuisance. Job 1:7 They also operate from a realm popularly believed to be the second heaven. Ephesians 6:12 The lake of fire will be their final and eternal destination. Revelation 20:10 Deliverance which brings freedom was so important Jesus manifested on earth. Jesus came that we may have deliverance against all odds. It is a part of the reason He came, a major part. 1 John 3:8 For your deliverance, Jesus tackled the source of bondage. He did that as a man! Colossians 2:15 Jesus has spoiled the power of Satan and his gang. He ...