John 3:3-8 The spirit realm is real, it exists and it is there many decisions are made concerning the happenings on earth. The Bible passage above is a part of Jesus Christ's discussion with Nicodemus, a Pharisee and teacher of the law. Jesus made it clear in this passage that the spirit realm is real, people can be birthed from that realm (born again) and the impact of being born from that dimension can be felt here on earth. It is important to be sensitive to God and happenings in the spirit realm It is possible to be so. God wants us to have eyes that see, ears that hear, and a heart that understands. Matthew 11:15 Matthew 13:16 1 Kings 3:9,10 There are always communication for us from the spirit realm. Kingdom citizens receive prompts, direction, signals, and inspiration from God's kingdom. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God's kingdom. Romans 8:14 The kingdom of God, God's spirit realm is our headquarters as God's people. The responsibility is ours to be sens...